Upper Snake River

Libby Sturgeon

Willamette Basin

Estuary Habitat MOA with State of Washington

The Columbia River estuary is recognized as a critical nursery for juvenile salmon on their way to sea. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, BPA and other federal agencies have increased attention on the estuary, especially because estuary work benefits all 13 Columbia Basin salmon and steelhead stocks listed under the Endangered Species Act.

Following collaborative discussions with state officials, the Corps, BPA and Reclamation are proposing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the State of Washington that adds $40.5 million in habitat funding to the $108.9 million already dedicated to the estuary through 2018.

The new MOA leverages existing BPA funding as cost-sharing in the estuary, allowing the Corps to seek appropriations to match BPA’s increased funding. The added funds will boost estuary habitat funding to unprecedented levels, providing extra assurance that actions to address fish survival will occur.

The proposed MOA provides long-term funding certainty for estuary habitat projects to help strengthen populations of ESA-listed steelhead and salmon. It is consistent with and will work in concert with implementation of the 2008 FCRPS BiOp, and also supports BPA's implementation of the Council’s Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.

BPA is seeking public comment on its proposal to enter into this Estuary Habitat MOA with Washington as negotiated. The comment period closes at 5 p.m. PDT May 4, 2009.

Proposed Estuary Habitat MOA

Click on markers for description of new habitat projects in the MOA.

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BPA letter announcing public comment opportunity

BPA public comment website

Press release

Estimated biological benefits of estuary projects

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2008 FCRPS BiOp Home
Columbia Basin Fish Accords

Estuary Habitat MOA with State of Washington

Proposed Action and Biological Assessment

Fact sheets and other information

Court documents
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