Public Information

FHFA is committed to transparency and accountability as the regulator of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks.

We strive to communicate clearly and accurately, and we maintain the highest standards of integrity, independence, and professionalism.

Our Web site’s public information section offers you

  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Information
    Find detailed information about FOIA and how to submit requests.

  • News Center
    Find news releases, congressional testimony, official statements, speeches, public notices, media advisories, and petitions available.

  • FHFA Information Quality
    Find our guidelines for ensuring quality, objectivity, usefulness, and integrity of the information we disseminate as a federal agency.

  • Scheduled Meetings and Hearings
    Find details about upcoming meetings and hearings.

  • Consumer Information
    Find general consumer information and links to government agencies on a variety of issues including:
    • Mortgage basics
    • Mortgage and housing-related fraud
    • Avoiding foreclosure
    • Housing-related discrimination
    • Consumer information from financial services regulators and industry groups
    • Other consumer-oriented organizations and resources

  • Other Links
    Find links to other federal agencies and a variety of useful information.