First stop, China!
Your first destination will be Asia's most populous country, China! Complete the puzzle and learn something about the most ancient forms of the Chinese writing system.

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Japan, Here we come!
Your next destination is the island nation of Japan. Fly across the sea of Japan to the capital city of Tokyo to see what life is like for Japanese teenagers.

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On to Korea!
Jump back across the sea of Japan to the country of Korea, where you will take a quick trip back in time to the 14th century.

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Then on to India!
Fly across the continent to the South Asian country of India. This country has more than one billion people and is one of the most culturally diverse nations on earth.

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Over to Thailand!
Now head for Southeast Asia where you will visit Thailand!

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Asia and America!
Now zoom in a little closer to home! Take a trip through the history of some of the Asian American communities here in the United States.

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Choose your own destination!
Now you can finish up your trip with a chance to visit the Asian destination of your choice!

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