Science Working Group

The Science Working Group (SWG) has the responsibility to make sure the GLAST mission is optimally designed to carry out its mission within the important constraints both administrative (cost, schedule) and technical (mass, power, etc.).

The SWG will:

  1. Assist the GLAST Project in establishing overall requirements and priorities in support of the mission plan
  2. Assist the GLAST Project in maintaining, updating, and prioritizing the science requirements
  3. Assist the GLAST Project in the definition and development of the calibration, data handling, data reduction, and mission operations systems
  4. Participate in GLAST Project reviews and meetings to coordinate scientific requirements and to assist the GLAST Project in mission decisions as they relate to scientific objectives.

The IPI(s)s, the IDS(s), three designated Co-Investigators from the science team of the Large Area Telescope investigation, the GLAST Project Scientist, and the NASA Headquarters Program Scientist (ex officio) will constitute the GLAST Science Working Group (SWG). Up to three additional members of a Large Area Telescope investigation, and up to one additional member of any secondary instrument investigation may be designated as an ex-officio of the SWG if they are the lead member of a contributing partner organization, and if all expenses related to their SWG participation are borne by their organization. The SWG will be chaired by the Project Scientist. The chairperson will serve as the Group's representative in activities not requiring participation by all group members.

SWG Members
List of GLAST Working Groups
SWG Action Items
Burst Working Group Review of GBM Algorithms
LAT Background Review Report, J.F. Ormes et al, June 2006

Face-to-Face Meeting Agendas/Presentations: Telecon Minutes/Agendas: