2009 Scholar

Elisabeth N. Cianciola
Trinity College-Connecticut

Elisabeth N. Cianciola
Elisabeth is earning her Bachelor of Science degree in environmental science with a minor in community action in 2010. Her most exciting adventure at Trinity was her two-week backpacking trip to Iceland in August of 2008. The Treehouse, a home for exploring sustainability, is her dream project that she is working on at Trinity. She is also planning a college rain garden. Elisabeth serves on the Trinity College Sustainability and Recycling Task Forces and as chair of Green Campus. If she can find one, she will probably work on the Water Quality Task Force when she graduates.
Photo of Jenny Magill and other scholars

It's been incredible to meet so many dedicated and inspiring individuals, all striving to make the world a better place for our own and future generations. I left Orientation feeling renewed, motivated and supported by a community that I am very proud to be part of and which will strengthen and inspire me for years to come.

Jenny Magill, 2006 Udall Scholar


Honorable Mentions