Artist's Concept of a Planetary System NASA Goddard Extrasolar Planets Seminar

Thursdays at 11:00 AM
Building 21, Room 183A

Organizers: Aki Roberge, Marc Kuchner, & Hannah Jang-Condell

If you'd like to give a talk, or wish to be added to the seminar email list, please send an email to Aki Roberge

Upcoming Seminars
Seminar on vacation for the month of August.
Sept 3: Paul Butler
(Carnegie DTM)
"The Expanding Doppler Planet Search"
Sept 17: Brian Jackson (GSFC) "Tides and Exoplanets"
Alternate location: Building 21, Room 242
Sept 24: Nick Cowan
(U of Washington)
"Alien Maps of an Ocean-Bearing World"
Oct 1: Marshall Perrin (UCLA)
Oct 8: William Ward (GSFC)
Oct 15: Catherine Neish (JHU-APL) "Titan's Primordial Soup"
Oct 22: Women in Astronomy 2009 Meeting in College Park MD
Oct 29: Patricia Boyd (GSFC)
Nov 19: Daniel Apai (STScI)

2009 Seminars
Jan 8: AAS Meeting in Long Beach CA
Jan 15: Rob Olling (U of MD) "Astrometric & Photometric Detection & Characterization of (massive) Extra-Solar Planets"
Jan 22: Fergal Mullally (Princeton) "Planets, Debris Disks, and White Dwarf Stars"
Jan 29: John Chambers
(Carnegie DTM)
"Planet Formation, Oligarchic Growth, and Planetary Migration"
Feb 2: Andrew Youdin (CITA)
Monday at 3:00 PM
Special Exoplanets Seminar -- "Planetesimal Formation by Gravitational Collapse"
Feb 5: Remi Soummer (STScI) "Exoplanet Community Report on Direct Optical Imaging" & "Recent Thoughts About Using a Starshade with JWST"
Feb 12: Brian Wood (NRL) "Stellar Wind Evolution and its Effects on Disks and Planetary Atmospheres"
Feb 19: Dinshaw Balsara
(Notre Dame)
"Dust Settling in Turbulent Protostellar Accretion Disks"
Alternate location: Building 21, Room 242
Feb 26: Thayne Currie (Harvard) "The Time History of Protoplanetary Disk Evolution As Reconstructed From Spitzer"
Mar 4: Wes Traub (JPL)
Wednesday at 1:00 PM
Special Exoplanets Seminar -- "Can Earth-Twins be Characterized with Transits?"
Mar 5: Tracy Beck (STScI) "Near Infrared Spectral Imaging of the Inner 200 AU Environments of T Tauri Stars"
Mar 12: Susan Benecchi (STScI) "Kuiper Belt Binaries and Collision Families: Probes of our Local Dust Disk"
Mar 19: National Capital Area Disks Meeting II at U of MD
Mar 26: Evgenya Shkolnik
(Carnegie DTM)
"In Search of Magnetic Star-Planet Interactions: A Probe of Exoplanetary B-fields"
Apr 2: Demos Kazanas (GSFC) "Exact Solutions of the Isothermal Lane-Emden Equation with Rotation and Implications for the Formation of Planets and Satellites"
Apr 16: Dennis Bodewits (GSFC) "Cometary X-rays & Charge Exchange in the Solar Sytem"
Apr 23: Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020 Meeting in Pasadena CA
Apr 30: Dimitri Veras (U of Florida) "Formation, Survival, and Detectability of Planets Beyond 100 AU"
May 7: The Search for Life in the Universe Symposium at STScI
May 8: Jian Ge (U of Florida)
Friday at 10:30 AM
Special Exoplanets Seminar -- "The SDSS-III Multi-object APO Radial-Velocity Exoplanet Large-area Survey"
Alternate location: Building 2, Room 8
May 14, 21, 28: Seminar on vacation while Room 183 is renovated.
June 4: James Muzerolle (STScI) "Protoplanetary Disks with AU-scale Inner Holes and Gaps: Signposts of Planet Formation?"
June 25: Ben Sargent (STScI) "Dust Processing and Grain Growth in Protoplanetary Disks"
July 9: Rosemary Killen (GSFC) "Mercury's Exosphere: Composition, Variability and Implications for Source and Loss of Volatiles"
July 16: Nelly Mouawad (U of MD) "Mercury's Sodium Exosphere: Space and Ground-Based Observations"
July 30: Andrew Rivkin (JHU-APL) "Studying the Vermin: Asteroid Science for Astrophysicists"

Seminars from Previous Years