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FHLB Des Moines Highlights 


Member CD Purchase Program


Beginning February 2, 2009, FHLB Des Moines will purchase Certificates of Deposit from its federally insured members. This new program provides the opportunity for eligible members to increase their liquidity without pledging additional collateral or impacting their advance capacity at the Bank. Click here for more information about the Member CD Purchase Program. Contact Member Financial Services at 800.544.3452, ext. 5415 for more information.


Weekly Market Update


Treasuries sold-off heavily last week on concerns that US debt sales will increase as the government boosts spending to ease the deepening recession. The main focus of the sell-off was in longer dated Treasuries, whereas the front end remains relatively well anchored. Click here for additional market commentary.

FHLB Des Moines And North Dakota Department Of Financial Institutions Sign Information - Sharing Agreement


FHLB Des Moines and the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions announced today the signing of an information-sharing agreement aimed at enhancing the communication between the two organizations. Under the first agreement of its kind, the organizations will exchange information in a number of important areas, including extensions of credit, collateral valuation, examination reports and other relevant supervisory information. The agreement is broad in the type of information to be provided and is endorsed by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the Council of Federal Home Loan Banks. For more information, click here.

Pictured l to r: Richard S. Swanson, President & CEO, FHLB Des Moines, Vaughn Noring, Bank Bureau Chief, Iowa Division of Banking, Tim Karsky, Commissioner, North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions and Stan Hilst, Credit Risk Manager, FHLB Des Moines.



FHLB Des Moines Funds 905 New Housing Units

FHLB Des Moines recently awarded more than $10.4 million in affordable housing grants through its Affordable Housing Program. Located throughout Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota, the 29 recipients will use the funds for the creation of rental units, the rehabilitation of homes and the expansion of services for underserved populations. The projects slated for completion with these grants will create 905 affordable housing units. Click here for more information and a complete listing of the recipients for 2008.


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Copyright © 1998 - 2008 Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines. All rights reserved. This material is provided as general information. The terms and conditions related to the FHLB Des Moines' products and services are governed by various agreements between the FHLB Des Moines and its customers as well as certain FHLB Des Moines policies and applicable regulations. In the event of any inconsistencies between this website material and the agreements, policies and regulations, the terms of such agreements, policies and regulations shall be determinative. Only member institutions and certain eligible financial institutions may transact business with the Home Loan Bank.

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