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2009 MARCH–APRIL No. 367
March 27, 2009 [posted]

Updates to the Web Site And
New NLM Public Access Resources Web Page

graphical image of the letter N

N IH Awardees have been notified that the NIH Public Access Policy is permanent, per the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The NIH Pubic Access Policy Web site was updated to reflect this. Additional updates to the Web site based on this information include:

In addition, NLM has created a new Web page, NIH Public Access and NIH Manuscript Submission — Useful Resources & Tools, providing links to information and training resources that support the NIH Public Access policy. A link to this page is provided on the NLM® Web site pages For Librarians and For Researchers. The link is located in the right-hand sidebar under the "Publications" category with the text link of "NIH Public Access Policy Resources."

Updates to the Web Site. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Mar-April;(367):e7.

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