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Subject: Franklin is available to users now and some Franklin policies
Author: Helen He <>
Date: 2008-04-21 20:52:37
Dear Franklin users, Cray has addressed the firmware problem related to the last three Franklin crashes. Franklin is now available to users. The queues are lightly loaded so users are encouraged to submit jobs expecting faster turnaround time. We will enforce the 60 minute time limit on all user processes on the login nodes (the policy has been stated on the Franklin Running Jobs web page) starting tomorrow morning. We have also decided to impose a limit of 8 on the simultaneous apruns within a single batch script. Starting April 28 (a week from now), NERSC reserves the right to kill jobs that are over this limit. Best Regards, Helen He NERSC User Services

Page last modified: Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:17:25 GMT
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