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Subject: Totalview versions updated at NERSC
Author: Richard Gerber <>
Date: 2007-08-02 15:23:47
Dear NERSC users, The Totalview debugger version 8 is now available on Bassi, Jacquard, and Seaborg. NERSC maintains the following versions of Totalview: Bassi (64 tasks max): 8.0.1-0 (default) 8.2.0-0 7.1.1-1 Version 7 software to be retired in one month. Jacquard (32 tasks max): 8.1.0-0 (default) 8.2.0-0 8.0.2-0 8.0.1-1 7.1.1-1 Version 7 software to be retired in one month. Seaborg (4096 tasks max) 7.0.0-1 (default) 8.2.0-0 (limited to 64 tasks) 8.0.1-0 (limited to 64 tasks) -- Richard Gerber, Ph.D. NERSC phone: 510-486-6820 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab fax: 510-486-4316 Berkeley, CA 94720

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