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Subject: SciDAC Visualization Survey
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2005-08-05 14:21:01
Dear NERSC users, If you are part of a SciDAC team, NERSC encourages you to fill out the SciDAC Visualization Survey as described below. Sincerely, -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193 ------- *From: *Chris Johnson < <>> *Date: *July 18, 2005 7:49:01 PM MDT *Subject: **SciDAC Visualization Survey* Hi, During my presentation at the San Francisco SciDAC PI Meeting, I mentioned that Wes Bethel and I planned to create an on-line survey to better understand the visualization needs of SciDAC scientists and engineers. The on-line visualization survey is now ready at: Can you please ask researchers in your groups to please take the survey? As far as we know, this is the first time there has been a survey of visualization needs for the DOE research community, so we are excited to get feedback. Wes and I plan to summarize the information and make it part of the visualization white paper we have been asked to write. Thank you very much! Sincerely, Chris Johnson <> Wes Bethel <>

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