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Subject: Newton Operating System Upgrade
Author: Harsh Anand <>
Date: 2004-11-01 19:33:46
Dear NERSC Users, On Wedneday, November 10, 2004 Newton will be down from 09:00 to 18:00, pacific time, to install OS upgrade Centos-3.3, based on Redhat Enterprise Linux Update 3. Currently we are running RedHat Linux version 7.2. Centos-3.3 will include newer libc, GNU compilers, etc. Please note, user files in /scratch file system will not be saved. Please move files you need to keep to HPSS or your $HOME directories before the upgrade. Harsh Anand User Services Group email: harsh_at_nersc_dot_gov NERSC Division phone: (510) 486-5575 Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-4316

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