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Subject: SC 2004 NUG BoF meeting agenda
Author: "Thomas M. DeBoni" <>
Date: 2004-10-01 08:50:18
This is to remind you that the NERSC User Group will meet in a Birds-of-a-Feather session, at SC 2004, next month in Pittsburgh. It is NOT necessary to register for the SC conference to attend this BoF meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, in room 319/320 of the Convention center. All NERSC Users are welcome. If you plan to attend, please assist our planning by informing us, via the form at The draft agenda is included below. For further information about the SC2004 meeting, see the conference web site at NUG BoF Meeting Agenda ---------------------- Time Topic Speaker ---- ----- ------- 5:30 Welcome Rob Ryne 5:35 The Past Year Jim Craw 5:45 The New Computation System (NCS) Bill Kramer 6:00 Queues, job classes, and policies David Skinner 6:10 The NCS-E Procurement Bill Kramer 6:20 NugEx Elections Rob Ryne 6:30 The Green Book for NERSC-5 Steve Jardin 6:45 The New Visualization System Wes Bethel 7:00 Adjournement We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh! Thomas M. DeBoni NERSC User Services

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