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Subject: notice: /scratch at 93%
Author: David Skinner <>
Date: 2003-12-12 15:12:40
Dear SP User, As the /scratch filesystem is now at 93% of capacity, we would like to remind SP users of the purge policy in /scratch. This filesystem is now very close initiating purging files to prevent its being filled. Scratch space on the SP is referred to by the environment variable $SCRATCH. This is not permanent storage: files will usually remain here for 7 days after they are created, after which time they may be purged. Note, however, that if the $SCRATCH filesystem becomes oversubscribed files may have to be deleted even before the 7 days are up (in which case the oldest files are deleted first). Directories themselves will not be purged. If you've become accustomed to storing files other than temporary ones in $SCRATCH please look into archival storage, deleting unneeded data or moving files you need to keep to your $HOME directory. If you have questions about file storage please see or contact . Regards, David Skinner

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