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Subject: HDF5 1.6.1 installed
Author: Harsh Anand <>
Date: 2003-11-14 16:38:05
Dear NERSC users, HDF5 1.6.1 version has been installed on the IBM SP and the Visualization Server. This release of the HDF5 library includes some additional C++ APIs, and numerous bug fixes. See the HDF5 1.6.1 Release Notes: Both the "serial" and the "parallel" HDF5 versions are available on Seaborg and Escher. To access the new version, for serial use: "module load hdf5/1.6.1" and for parallel use: "module load hdf5_par/1.6.1". This version will become the default on Dec 3, 2003. The current version, 1.4.5-post2, will be disabled on Dec 17, 2003 and deleted soon thereafter. For further information please see: Regards, Harsh Anand User Services Group email: NERSC Division phone: (510) 486-5575 Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-4316

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