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BeppoSAX U.S. Coordination Facility

BeppoSAX : Archive

The BeppoSAX archive opened on January 1998. The archive is created and maintained by the SAX Science Data Center in Rome.
A copy of the SAX archive public data is given to HEASARC from the SAX-SDC in exchange of other high energy astrophysics archived public data under an agreement between NASA and ASI.

Only data from the Narrow Field Instruments (mainly from LECS and MECS) are currently in the HEASARC public archive. The HEASARC copy provides a faster access to the US comunity. In term of public releases,its content will lag about six months behind the original, available at the BeppoSAX Data Center in Rome. HEASARC holds about the 75 % of the current public data sets available.

March 2002 : The ~20 arcsec systematic error that affects LECS and MECS can be corrected in the archived event file using the script saxposcor.

The BeppoSAX archival data at HEASARC can be obtained via :
  • Browse by searching the SAXNFILOG database. The database includes also information about the data availability at HEASARC.
  • directly from the HEASARC ftp area dedicated to BeppoSAX

If you have any questions concerning BeppoSAX go to the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Friday, 22-Nov-2002 13:04:32 EST

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