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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Archive

Suzaku Archive Access

The Suzaku archive can be accessed via the following interfaces:

HEASARC Browse interface Make searches across multiple missions, including Suzaku
Anonymous FTP or wget Do direct data retrieval via FTP or wget protocol without browsing the observation logs (for expert users).
Retrieval of monitoring and instrument trend data are only available via FTP or wget.

NEWS 2007-09-24 : The HXD PIN background files are now available
NOTE: The archive contains public and propriety data.
The Suzaku data may also be accessed at:

Suzaku source name :
Suzaku-discovered sources are to be named using the following convention:
Suzaku Jhhmm-ddmm
Suzaku Jhhmmss-ddmmss
where hhmm-ddmm and hhmmss-ddmmss are RA and DEC in J2000 and '-'is either - or +.
Suzaku Archive documentation
Suzaku Calibration archive and software
The calibration data are archived in the HEASARC calibration database (CALDB). The latest releases of the calibration data and their supporting information are available in the Suzaku Caldb page . The latest software is available from the HEASARC software download page

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Friday, 18-Jan-2008 15:30:39 EST

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman

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