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EUVE Online Technical Archive

How to find things in this Archive

Welcome to the EUVE Project Technical Archive. This archive contains collected science and engineering information on the EUVE instruments, electronics, and operations.

WARNING This archive was transfered from CEA near the end of the EUVE mission and only contains memos that were available electronically at that time. If links are missing, chances are the document was lost, but please contact if you have any questions or comments.

Documents available include technical memos, drawings, test results, instrument performance reports, and records of problem resolutions over the history of the project.

To do a keyword search, use the "find in current" button in the File menu.

If nothing has grabbed you yet, choose a broad area of the Project for your search from the list below:

Use the "Back" button or the scroll bar if you need to back up.

If you have a question about an instrument or payload subsystem, go to the list of subsystem topics.

Document formats available

Most of the current documents are in TeX-dvi, PostScript or plain ASCII formats. Parts of a single document may be packaged in different formats.:

LaTeX dvi files
Displayed automatically with xdvi. These may have text, and tables, but no figures.
Encapsulated PostScript files
Displayed automatically with Ghostview. These may contain whole memos or figures for related documents.
ASCII files
Unformatted text-only versions of documents appear in the Mosaic window.

Requesting further information

If you would like to request that new information be made available through the Archive, please send e-mail to:



To skip directly to a particular instrument's entries, click on one of the following:

Deep Survey



Instrument Subsystems





MMS Spacecraft

Planning and Operations


In-Orbit Calibration



Right Angle Pointing (RAP) Program


All Sky Survey

Data Analysis









Project Administration

Engineering Test Results

To skip directly to the particular engineering test results, click on one of the following:

    Thermal Results

    • Jupiter miniIOC Thermal Results May 27, 1994.
    • MiniIOC Summary and Correlation with GSFC Thermal Model September 7, 1993.
    • MiniIOC Thermal Model Predictions with Measured Temperatures August 31, 1993
    • MiniIOC Thermal Map August 11, 1993.
    • MiniIOC Spacecraft Attitudes and Times August 10, 1993.
    • Monthly Payload Temperatures March and April, 1993.
    • Memo on MiniIOC Expectations April 28, 1993 (JLT/EUVE/0071/93)
    • Memo on MiniIOC Expectations March 19, 1993 (JLT/EUVE/0044/93)
    • Temperature Limits for 19 Thermistors August 29, 1991
    • Thermal Vacuum Test Results October 21, 1991.
    • Extreme THERMISTOR values experienced during electronics testing at UCB/SSL May 8, 1991.
    • Extreme THERMISTOR values experienced during Component Instrument testing at BASG May 8, 1991.
    • Extreme THERMISTOR values experienced during PM Phase II Thermal Vacuum testing at GSFC May 8, 1991

    Power and Electrical Systems

    • RifXCur statistics during Survey Phase (3 RPO)
    • Actual Electronic Box Power from the EUVE Science Payload October 15, 1990.
    • Voltage and Current Limits for Electrical Parameters August 29, 1991

    Launch and IOC Results

    • Summary of Orbit Perfomance IOC Data After 4 days July 13, 1992.
    • Summary of Orbit Perfomance IOC Data (Jun 11 & 15 ) July 13, 1992.
    • Summary of Orbit Perfomance IOC Data for Periodic Review July 10, 1992.
    • Summary of Instrument Activities during Initial IOC Period July 2, 1992.

Last Modified: Jan 09, 2007 14:03