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Accessing HPSS - ftp/pftp

Files can be transferred to and from HPSS via the standard internet protocol ftp and HPSS pftp utility. There is no sftp (secure ftp) or scp access.

As standard ftp clients only support authentication via the transmission of unencrypted passwords, which NERSC does not permit, special procedures must be used with ftp and pftp. The procedures are described below.


PFTP is a variant of ftp which is available on NERSC systems. It is better than ftp for large file transfers (> 100 MB) because it is multi-threaded and has some tuning parameters available for transfers. PFTP has the advantage of being compatible with NERSC "sleepers," which will gracefully suspend connections when HPSS is down or unavailable.

ftp/pftp Authentication

In order to access the NERSC HPSS systems, users will need to generate and use a special encrypted password called a HPSS authentication token.

For details on generating the token, see HPSS password information.

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