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Welcome to etd@IISc!

This is the digital repository of Theses and Dissertations of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. You can search, browse and access theses and dissertations from this collection. This repository has been developed to capture, disseminate and preserve research theses of Indian Institute of Science. It complements ePrints@IISc, the research publications repository of IISc.

Number of theses in etd@IISc: 431


(See for more details)


Communities in etd@IISc

Choose a community to browse its collections.

Centres under the Director (formely kown as Division of Information Sciences) [11]
Division of Biological Sciences [72]
Division of Chemical Sciences [55]
Division of Electrical Sciences [97]
Division of Mechanical Sciences [151]
Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences [45]


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