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AESDirect Upgrade - Templates

AESDirect will be enhanced to provide users with a Template Capability. This new capability will allow each AESDirect Filing Account to create, edit, and delete SED Templates. An AESDirect Template is a dummy AESDirect shipment containing user-defined values. AESDirect Templates WILL NOT be submitted to AES. These Templates are intended to assist in the creation of new SED filings.

The data content of a saved SED Template will be determined by the user, however it must conform to the following rules:

  • It must contain at least one SED data element
  • The AES Shipment Reference Number and Date of Export will not be saved as part of an SED Template

When an SED Template is saved, the user will be required to enter a Template Name to identify the Template and an optional Template Description.

To facilitate the Template function, the following changes have been made to the AESDirect user interface.

  1. On the AESDirect Main Menu a new "Templates Section" as been added. The only option within this Section is "Delete a Template". This is because creating or editing Templates is done from the AESDirect View Screen. If you select Delete Template, then a list of your existing saved Templates will be displayed with the option to select one and then click a Continue button. The selected Template will be deleted from AESDirect.
  2. When you select "Create Shipment" from the AESDirect Main Menu there will be a new button, "Load Template". If this is selected then a list of existing saved Templates will be displayed with the option to select one and then click a Continue button. The user will then be placed in the AESDirect View Screen with the data from the selected Template loaded as the current shipment.
  3. In the AESDirect View Screen there are two new options:
    • Save as a Template: If this option is selected then the user will be asked to enter a Template Name and an optional Description. Users can save Template by selecting the "Save" button. Please note the Shipment Reference Number and Export Date will not be saved. Users can return to the current shipment by clicking on the "Return to Shipment" button, or selecting any other shipment function.
    • Load Template: This option operates as described above.

Operational Notes

  • The maximum number of Templates that can be saved per AESDirect Account at any one time is set at 10.
  • If an AESDirect Account hits the maximum of 10 saved Templates then an existing Template must be deleted before a new (by name) Template can be saved.
  • If a Template is saved with the same name as an existing Template, the prior one will be replaced with the new version.

We have designed this capability to be easy to use, but should you have any questions or problems, please contact our Support staff at 877-715-4433 or boc-support@tradegate2000.com

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