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Request for Proposals

Time Line for Project: July 1, 2009 -
June 30, 2010
Proposal Forms and Instructions Available March 12, 2009
Proposals Due April 27, 2009
by 5:00 pm MST

Postmarks not accepted

Notification of Intent to Fund or Decline June 1, 2009
Agree On Project Plan, Budget and Sign Contract June 1-26, 2009
Funds disbursed June 1-26, 2009
Completion of Funded Project Activities June 30, 2010

For help with this proposal:

e-mail: state_action@jsi.com

or phone: 1.800.839.0934

This page last updated on: March 12, 2009

Content for this site is maintained by the Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.