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For three decades, Healthy People has served as an evidence-based foundation for public health agencies and organizations to reach goals related to improving health status in the U.S. As Healthy People has evolved, its use has become more widespread. Public health activities from national to local levels are increasingly aligned with Healthy People goals and objectives.

Coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), Healthy People 2020 is being developed in 2 phases. Phase 1 includes the framework—vision, mission, and overarching goals. The framework provides a foundation for Healthy People 2020 objectives that will be developed. While general in nature, the framework offers specific, important areas of emphasis where action must be taken if the United States is to achieve better health by the year 2020. In partnership with the many national, federal, state and local stakeholders of the Healthy People initiative, HHS is now in Phase 2, developing specific objectives, targets and considering effective strategies for addressing Healthy People 2020. The full Healthy People 2020 initiative is anticipated to be released in 2010.

The Healthy People 2020 framework was developed by a federal workgroup with advice and consultation from a fully public member expert advisory committee and has included numerous opportunities for public comment. The result is a framework for improving the nation’s health which recognizes the multiple and integrated factors that impact health. These factors include social and physical environments as well as disease prevention, health promotion and health care. This change from Healthy People 2010 to Healthy People 2020 is intended to move-away from a "silo" approach to health and promote the notion that health is not the responsibility of the health sector alone; but also includes personal, social, economic, and environmental determinants. In addition, new and emerging issues and influences on health (health equity; health information technology; all hazards preparedness) are highlighted for their significance in promoting and ensuring the nation’s health.


The purpose of this evaluation program is to have state, territory, and tribal governments propose and conduct innovative and participatory strategic planning activities and processes, with an emphasis on multi-sector collaboration, using the Healthy People 2020 framework and population health improvement concepts (i.e., Healthy People 2020 mission and overarching goals; social, physical, and environmental determinants of health; and health equity) to improve the health of their communities. ODPHP is interested in evaluating the utility of the Healthy People 2020 framework in guiding program and policy for eligible entities in addition to their state, regional and community partners and stakeholders. ODPHP is also interested in entities’ responses to the revised Healthy People initiative to a more integrated approach to address health determinants and diseases/conditions.

Awardees will receive funding to support activities that create a dynamic and flexible approach to operationalizing the Healthy People 2020 framework to address their specific population health contexts and needs. Since draft Healthy People 2020 objectives are expected during the implementation of projects, awardees should plan to incorporate them into their project design to address state disease prevention and health promotion priorities and needs.

Funding from this evaluation program is intended to enhance existing or planned state, territorial, and tribal activities to develop a Healthy People plan based on the national Healthy People 2020 framework and objectives.



Eligible applicants that can apply for this funding opportunity are listed below:

Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate collaboration with and inclusion of other relevant groups. Preference will also be given to proposals that demonstrate a broad and diverse target audience, particularly underserved populations (e.g. low-income, minority, etc.). State Health Departments that have tribal entities within their borders are encouraged to seek the participation of those tribal entities in planning and implementing their project.


Proposed projects should include innovative planning activities—using the Healthy People 2020 framework components and population health improvement concepts–that build upon the organization’s existing planning processes and structure. They should also include evidence of collaboration with diverse users and audiences to implement Healthy People 2020 (health professionals, consumers, business, community leaders, and stakeholders from multiple sectors). Examples of possible activities include:

Please note that ongoing operations will not be funded through this project. Funded activities must be completed by June 30, 2010.


Proposals will be reviewed by an objective committee comprised of public health experts including Regional Health Administrators with final funding approvals guided by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Successful proposals will be selected based on their proposed plans and activities, scored based on the qualities described below.

Total available points: 150.

(Submitters’ abilities to carry out the project and complete deliverables 30 points total)

  1. Experience in terms of strength/knowledge of proposed project team; demonstrated project involvement and support of submitting organization’s leadership; understanding of state population demographics and health status/needs of the state; and experience in working across sectors (20 points)
  2. Readiness for carrying out the project (10 points)

Project description (100 points total)

  1. Relevance of the proposed project to the stated purpose of this program (25 points)
  2. The degree to which the proposed work plan is robust and reasonable to accomplish the goal(s) and meet deliverables (25 points)
  3. Demonstration of innovation and creativity in the project approach (20 points)
  4. Evidence of collaborations and partnerships with a diverse group of stakeholders, including federally recognized Indian tribes and other relevant tribal entities (15 points)
  5. Relevance of activities to addressing racial and ethnic health disparities and minority and underserved populations (15 points)

Budget (20 points total)

  1. Budget showing each item and its cost (10 points)
  2. Justification for each item listed in the budget (10 points)

In addition to meeting the selection criteria, the mix of proposals awarded will be geographically diverse and represent a variety of themes and activities.

The submitter must agree to participate in a national evaluation of this project. The national evaluation will include participation in three teleconferences and/or webcasts in addition to completion of an on-line evaluation tool.

Please note that 10 percent of awarded funds will be withheld until final completion of the evaluation activities.


As a condition of the final funds disbursement, funded projects must participate in a national evaluation of the State Action: Evaluating the Healthy People 2020 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Agenda project. They must indicate their commitment to participating in the evaluation by signing the "Agreement to Complete Evaluation" on Form C. The purpose of the evaluation is to report on how funds were used and what was accomplished with the funds.

The evaluation will consist of a survey, three tele- and/or web-conferences, and submission of project products (based on proposal and finalized in contract agreement). The survey will be available on-line. Surveys via postal mail will also be provided if on-line access is limited. Technical assistance will be available from John Snow Inc. for the evaluation component on an as needed basis. Evaluation reports must be submitted during the last month of the project period and no later than June 15, 2010. Ten percent of the project funds will be withheld until the evaluation report is submitted.


Completed proposals should include:

Proposals that are illegible, that use a font size less than 11 point, or are inconsistent with the format provided will not be reviewed.

The submitter is advised prior to developing your proposal to read the following materials:

If you are unable to access these materials, please email state_action@jsi.com or call 1.800.839.0934 for assistance.


The State Action: Evaluating the Healthy People 2020 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Agenda Project will fund organizations to provide a framework for disease prevention and health promotion services in their respective states. The lead contractor for the administration and national evaluation of this project is John Snow, Inc. (JSI).  Awardees will become subcontractors of JSI. The proposed activities will serve as deliverables required from the subcontractors and will include completion of required evaluation activities.


The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and the Regional Health Administrators, Office of Public Health and Science, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has contracted with John Snow, Inc. to administer the State Action: Evaluating the Healthy People 2020 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Agenda project.

All material submitted regarding this project announcement becomes the property of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS has the right to use any or all information/material presented in your proposal, subject to limitations for proprietary or confidential information. Disqualifications or denial of the proposal does not eliminate this right.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify proprietary information and request that the information be treated as such. Any additional restrictions on the use or inspection of material contained within the proposal shall be clearly stated in the proposal itself. The privacy policy for John Snow, Inc is available at www.jsi.com/JSIInternet/privacy.cfm.  The HHS privacy policy is available at http://www.hhs.gov/privacy.html.

The contents of the proposal will become contractual obligations if the project is funded. ODPHP and the Regional Health Administrators, Office of Public Health and Science, and HHS reserve the right to request revisions to the budget and/or scope of work of any applicant.


Completed proposals must be received in the JSI office before 5pm MST on April 27, 2009. Please note that postmarks will not be accepted. Email is strongly encouraged. Please email one completed copy of the proposal to: state_action@jsi.com.

If email is not an option, please mail one copy to:

John Snow, Inc.
ATTN: Ann Loeffler
1860 Blake Street, Suite 320
Denver, Colorado  80202

If you email your proposal, please do not mail a hard copy. Hard copy submissions are strongly discouraged.

This page last updated on: March 12, 2009

Content for this site is maintained by the Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.