NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Accounts and Allocations

How to Get a NERSC Account

In order to use the NERSC facilities you need access to an allocation of computional or storage resources as a member of a repository and a user account with an associated user login name. Go

Allocations Process (ERCAP)

How to complete and submit applications for allocations of resources via the NERSC ERCAP process. Go

Startup awards are available for new projects that wish to investigate using NERSC resources, or who wish to port or develop new codes. A request for a Startup project account may be made at any time during the year, and decisions for Startup requests are made by NERSC within one to three weeks after applying. See Applying for Your First NERSC Allocation.

INCITE Program

The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program provides computing resources and consulting support for a small number of computationally intensive large-scale research projects. Go

How Accounts are Managed

How users and project managers can manage both user accounts and project accounts (repositories). Go

The computing environment (shells, software configuration, etc.) is defined somewhat differently on each machine. See the NERSC Systemsa> section of the web.

Web Accounting Interface (NIM)

NERSC uses the NERSC Information Management (NIM) system to manage user information, account creation, usage reporting, and the allocations process. Go

Usage Charging

Use of the NERSC computational machines and HPSS (mass storage) is charged against repository allocations. Each computational machine is charged at a different rate. Go


How to get a new password, what to do if you forget your password, and policies related to NERSC passwords. Go

Account Policies

There are a number of policies which apply to NERSC users. These policies originate from a number of sources, such as DOE regulations and DOE and NERSC management.

Awarded Projects

A list of projects that received allocation awards for the current and past fiscal years. Go

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