Residential Shelter-In-Place Video

When industrial accidents occur public officials typically evacuate the public. In certain circumstances it is preferable to shelter people in their residences. In addition to staying indoors, people can increase their protection from chemicals by choosing a safe room and sealing it with tape and plastic. The purpose of this training video is to teach residents how to shelter-in-place during an accidental or intentional release of chemical agent vapor. Although intended for residents living in the areas serviced by the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP), residents in other areas that could be affected by a release of hazardous chemical vapors may also find the training useful. The training has been developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the United States Army's Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM). It is available in VHS and DVD formats.

Hard copies of the Shelter-in-Place video are not currently available to the general public due to a shortage of these materials. The student workbook, which gives you the complete video text and key photos is available here.

Download the Shelter-In-Place Student Guide (pdf.)

If you have any questions about the video, or are affiliated with a Federal, State, or local government agency, contact:

Robert Norville
Training Manager
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program

(703) 605-1209

To view an online streaming Quicktime™ version of the SIP movie, click here.

Your browser requires a Quicktime™ plugin, available at to view the movie. (A fast network connection is recommended. In example, 56k Dial-up connections will NOT work.)

To download a Quicktime movie of higher quality than the above streaming version that you can run on your local computer, please follow your browser instructions for downlowing the file associated with the following link. The file is 154 MB, so a fast network connection is recommended.

Download Shelter-In-Place movie (

(Your computer requires Quicktime™, available at to view the movie.)

The file is in .zip format, which requires file decompression software.


At the end of the training the viewer should understand:

    how to prepare a home emergency supply kit,
    how warnings for protective actions are disseminated to the public,
    how to develop a plan for sheltering-in-place,
    the appropriate procedures for expedient shelter-in-place,
    how to prepare a safe room for sheltering-in-place,
    how chemical agent vapor penetrates structures and vehicles, and
    when and how to end sheltering-in-place.

The shelter-in-place student guide contains the full text narrative of the video and selected still images from the video.

Download Shelter-In-Place Student Guide (pdf)

The SIP Logo

To use this image in another document:

PC users, right click (mac users, click and hold your mouse until prompt appears) on the image and follow your browser's instructions to save the image to a local disk.

To import the image into another program (example given, MS-Word):

Use the "Insert>Picture>From File" menu items to select the file, then select the file and resize to suit.

Download Certificate of Completion here

If you have any questions about the video, or are affiliated with a Federal, State, or local government agency, contact:Robert Norville
Training Manager
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program

(703) 605-1209


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