NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

How to get a NERSC Account

In order to use the NERSC facilities you need:

  1. Access to an allocation of computational or storage resources as a member of a repository,
  2. and
  3. A user account with an associated user login name (also called username).

How to get a new NERSC allocation

If you are not a member of a project that has a NERSC award, you may apply for a new allocation. In particular, startup awards are available for new projects that wish to investigate using NERSC resources, or who wish to port or develop new codes. The only requirements are that your project meets the DOE Office of Science Mission and requires high performance computing resources.

The application is made through a process known as ERCAP (Energy Research Computer Allocations Process). Awards are made to group accounts known at NERSC as repositories or repos. See the ERCAP allocations web page for more information.

How to get a new user account

Once a project's ERCAP request has been approved and a resource allocation has been awarded to a repository, the project's PI (or designated PI Proxies and Project managers) can request, via the NERSC Information Management (NIM) web interface, that individual users be added to (given access to) the repository. A Guide to NIM for PIs, PI Proxies and Project Managers details how to add and delete users, check account balances, transfer resources and other PI functions using NIM.

A new PI is automatically given a NIM account, but must request the he/she be given access to a given resource (and its repository), if desired.

Users new to NERSC must sign and fax back the Computer Use Policies form before they are added to a repository.

PDSF accounts

Users needing to use the PDSF for High Energy Physics and Nuclear Science experiments may fill out the PDSF Account Request Form.

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