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Healthy People Home > Healthy People 2020 > 2009 Public Meetings > March 17, 2008

Healthy People 2020 logoMarch 17, 2008 - Atlanta, GA (Regions III and IV)

March 17, 2008 - Atlanta, GA (Regions III and IV)




Tom Harkin Global Communications Center

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, N.E. at CDC Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30333

Webcast Recording

The recording of the online broadcast of portions of the Atlanta Healthy People 2020 Regional Meeting held March 17, 2008 is available online.  Captioning is available in Windows Media Player full-screen mode.

Please select meeting sessions below to view the recording:

Morning sessions recording

Welcome and Opening Remarks; Healthy People 2020 Development Process and Status; Public Comment Period 1; Healthy People Users Panel (Duration: 3 hr 18 min)

Afternoon sessions recording

Public Comment Period 2 (Duration: 1 hr)

Breakout Groups Reports and Meeting Close (Duration: 32 min)

Tune in to view the discussions on the development of Healthy People 2020!

Content for this site is maintained by the Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Last revised: June 9, 2008