[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 45, Volume 1, Parts 1 to 199] [Revised as of October 1, 2000] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 45CFR13.6] [Page 67-68] TITLE 45--PUBLIC WELFARE AND HUMAN SERVICES PART 13--IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT IN AGENCY PROCEEDINGS--Table of Contents Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 13.6 Allowable fees and expenses. (a) Awards will be limited to the rates customarily charged by persons engaged in the business of acting as attorneys, agents and expert witnesses. Awards will not be made for more than the applicant's actual expenses. If a party has already received, or is eligible to receive, reimbursement for any expenses under another statutory provision or another program allowing reimbursement, its award under these rules must be reduced by the amount the prevailing party has already received, or is eligible to receive, from the Federal government. (b) An award for the fees of an attorney or agent may not exceed $75.00 per hour, regardless of the actual rate charged by the attorney or agent. An award for the fees of an expert witness [[Page 68]] may not exceed the highest rate at which the Department pays expert witnesses, which is $24.09 per hour, regardless of the actual rates charged by the witness. These limits apply only to fees; an award may include the reasonable expenses of the attorney, agent, or witness as a separate item, if the attorney, agent or witness ordinarily charges separately for such expenses. (c) In determining the reasonableness of the fees sought for attorneys, agents or expert witnesses, the adjudicative officer must consider factors bearing on the request, which include, but are not limited to: (1) If the attorney, agent or witness is in private practice, his or her customary fee for like services; if the attorney, agent or witness is an employee of the applicant, the fully allocated cost of service; (2) The prevailing rate for similar services in the community in which the attorney, agent or witness ordinarily performs services; (3) The time actually spent in the representation of the applicant; (4) The time reasonably spent in light of the difficulty or complexity of the issues in the proceeding; and (5) Such other factors as may bear on the value of the services provided.