NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

SciDAC Projects at NERSC

Global Climate Change Projects

Modeling the Earth System

Creating a first generation Earth system model that fully simulates the coupling between the physical, chemical, and biogeochemical processes in the climate system.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: John B. Drake, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Philip Cameron-Smith, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
     Repository m411 - Interaction of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols with Climate
  • NERSC PI: John Drake, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
     Repository m659 (throgh 2008) - A Scalable and Extensible Earth System Model for Climate Change Science
  • NERSC PI: Jean-Francois Lamarque, National Center for Atmospheric Research
     Repository m330 - Simulation of 20th-century and 21st-century climate and composition with interactive chemistry in CAM3: identifying the role of climate and climate composition in simulated trends and air quality
  • NERSC PI: Marcia Branstetter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
     Repository m543 - River Transport and Hydrology in CCSM

The Role of Clouds in Global Climate

Design and testing of a global cloud-resolving model, namely a global atmospheric circulation model with a grid-cell spacing of approximately 3 km, capable of simulating the circulations associated with large convective clouds.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: David A. Randall, Colorado State University
 Repository m328 - Global cloud modeling

Improving Global Climate Models

Developing a uniform set of software tools suitable for evaluation of high-end climate models.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Rao Kotamarthi, Argonne National Laboratory
 Repository m184- High-Spatial Resolution Models of Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosols for Regional Scale Climate Simulations

The Role of Eddy-Tansport in the Thermohaline Circulation

The role of baroclinic eddies in the heat and salt balance of the abyssal ocean.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Paola Cessi, University of California, San Diego
 Repository m699 - The Role of Eddies in the Meridional Overturning Circulation

Decadal Regional Climate Studies

Developing stretched grid general circulation models and studying anomalous climate events for variability/predictability.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Michael Fox-Rabinovitz, University of Maryland
 Repository m527 - Decadal Climate Studies with Enhanced Variable and Uniform Resolution GCMs Using Advanced Numerical Techniques

Continuous Dynamic Grid Adaptation in a Global Atmospheric Model

Developing continuous dynamic grid adaptation to cluster grid points in targeted regions of interest.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: William Gutowski, Iowa State University
 Repository m612 - Continuous Dynamic Grid Adaptation in a Global Atmospheric Model

Collaborative Design and Development of the Community Climate System Model for Terascale Computers

Ongoing development of CCSM, adding components and couplers, and porting to new computer architectures.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Phil Jones, Los Alamos National Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Chris Ding, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
     Repository mp153 (through 2007) - Development of Community Climate System Model

Towards the Prediction of Decadal to Multi-Century Processes in a High-Throughput Climate System Model

Studying the interaction of climate and the land biosphere in mid-latitude decadal variability.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Zhengyu Liu, University of Wisconsin

  • NERSC PI: Pat Behling, University of Wisconson
     Repository m285 - Towards the prediction of decadal to mult-century processes in a high-throughput climate system model

Development of an Atmospheric Climate Model with Self-Adapting Grid and Physics

The project will develop an atmospheric climate model that self-adjusts the grid resolution and the complexity of the physical parameterizations to actual atmospheric flow conditions.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Joyce Penner, University of Michigan
 Repository mp231 - Three-dimensional Global Atmospheric Aerosol and Chemistry Modeling

Fusion Energy Projects

Petaflops for Gigawatts

This project will provide a multi-physics, parallel framework application, FACETS, which will enable whole-device modeling for the U.S. fusion program, and provide the modeling infrastructure needed for ITER, the next step fusion confinement device.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: John R. Cary, Tech-X Corporation

  • NERSC PI: Scott Kruger, Tech-X Corporation
     Repository m681 - Fusion Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulations

Simulation of Wave Interactions with Magnetohydrodynamics

Coupling radio-frequency waves (an essential plasma control technique) with the magnetohydrodynamics of the plasma.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Paul Bonoli, MIT
 Repository m77 - Center for Simulation of Wave-Plasma Interactions

Center for Plasma Edge Simulation

Developing a new integrated predictive plasma edge simulation package applicable to next generation experiments.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Choong-Seock Chang, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
 Repository m499 - Center for Plasma Edge Simulation

Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations of Turbulent Transport in Burning Plasmas

Simulating of turbulent transport to investigate plasma confinement properties.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Wei-li Lee, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
 Repository mp19 - Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations of Turbulent Transport in Burning Plasmas and Multiscale Gyrokinetics

Center for Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling

Assessing the mechanisms that lead to disruptive and other stability limits in present and next generation fusion devices.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Steve Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Eric Held, Utah State University
     Repository m127 - Application of Parallel Kinetic Closures in NIMROD for Fusion Plasma Simulations
  • NERSC PI: Steve Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
     Repository mp288 - 3D Extended MHD simulation of fusion plasmas
  • NERSC PI: Dalton Schnack, University of Wisconsin at Madison
     Repository mp21 - NIMROD Project: Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling for Fusion Experiments
     NIMROD HDF5 VisIt Plugin

Groundwater Projects

Challenges in Subsurface Simulations

Integrating biogeochemical models across multiple time and spatial scales.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Timothy Scheibe, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
 Repository m749 - Hybrid Numerical Methods for Multiscale Simulations of Subsurface Biogeochemical Processes

Life Sciences Projects

Materials and Chemistry Projects

Quantum Simulations of Materials and Nanostructures

This project addresses a grand challenge in materials science and chemistry: predict and design molecular and materials properties with controllable accuracy from first principles.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Giulia Galli, University of California, Davis
 Repository m542 - First principles simulations of nanostructures

A Computational Facility for Reacting Flow Science

Predicting chemical reactions and their interactions with fluid flow.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Habib N. Najm, Sandia National Laboratories
 Repository m401 - A Computational Facility for Reacting Flow Science

Terascale High-Fidelity Simulations of Turbulent Combustion with Detailed Chemistry (through 2005)

Developing high fidelity simulations of turbulent reactive flow.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Hong G. Im, University of Michigan
 Repository m217 - High-Fidelity Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion - Compression Ignition under HCCI Conditions and NOx Formation in Turbulent Jet Flames

Advanced Software for the Calculation of Thermochemistry, Kinetics, and Dynamics

Developing reliable simulations of thermochemistry, kinetics, and dynamics for large molecular systems

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Ron Shepard, Argonne National Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Charles Harris, University of California at berkeley
     Repository m399 - Computational Modeling and Simulation of Organometallic Complexes in Solution

Predicting the Electronic Properties of 3D, Million-Atom Semiconductor Nanostructure Architectures

Using an atomistic approach and single-particle many-body-techniques that are readily scalable to study nanostructures with millions of atoms.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Alex Zunger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Andrew Canning, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository m126 - Mathematical/Computational Methods for Electronic Structure Codes in Nanoscience
  • NERSC PI: Lin-Wang Wang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository mp304 - Large scale nanostructure electronic structure calculations
  • NERSC PI: Alex Zunger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
     Repository m346 - Predicting the electronic Properties of 3D, Milion-Atom Semiconductor Nanostructure Architectures

Physics Projects

Building a Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional

A comprehensive and unified description of nuclei and their reactions, grounded in the fundamental interactions between the constituent nucleons.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: George F. Bertsch, University of Washington
 Repository m308 - Low-Energy Nuclear Physics National HPC Initiative: Building a Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional

When Good Stars Go Bang

The Computational Astrophysics Consortium: studying the causes and effects of Supernovae, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Nucleosynthesis.

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Stan Woosley, University of California at Santa Cruz
 Repository m106 - Computational Astrophysics Consortium
 Visualizations of the project's simulations

Computational Science: Here, There, and Everywhere

Stimulating new discoveries by providing scientists with effective and dependable access to a petascale distributed computational facility

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Miron Livny, University of Wisconsin
 Repositories m670 & osg Extending the Open Science Grid

Advanced Computing for 21st Century Accelerator Science and Technology

A new generation of accelerator simulation codes will help us to use existing accelerators more efficiently and will strongly impact the design, technology and cost of future accelerators.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Robert Ryne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Thomas Katsouleas, University of Southern California
     Repository mp275 - Program for Plasma-Based Concepts for Future High-Energy Accelerators
  • NERSC PI: Robert Ryne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository gc2 - Accelerator Community Code Development and Discovery Project
     Particle Viewer
     Beam dynamics particle tracking images

Pointing the Way for Accelerator Science: The Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation (ComPASS)

Developing a comprehensive computational infrastructure for accelerator modeling and optimization

SciDAC and NERSC Principal Investigator: Panagiotis Spentzouris, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
 Repository m778 - Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation

Centers for Enabling Technologies

Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET)

Focuses on the creation and deployment of scientific visualization and analytics software technology to increase scientific productivity and create new opportunities for scientific insight.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: E. Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository m636 - SciDAC2 Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies
  • NERSC PI: Hank Childs, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
     Repository visit - VisIt

Advancing Science via Applied Mathematics

Applied Partial Differential Equations to develop simulation tools for solving multi-scale and multi-physics problems>

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Phillip Colella, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • NERSC PI: John Bell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository mp111 - Applied Partial Differential Equations Center

Towards optimal petascale simulations

Development, testing, and dissemination of solver software, especially for systems governed by partial differential equations.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: David E. Keyes, Columbia University

  • NERSC PI: James Demmel, University of California at Berkeley
     Repository mp156 - Linear Algebra Algorithms on High Performance Computers
  • NERSC PI: David Keyes, Columbia University
     Repository m125 - Towards Optimal Petascale Simulations
  • NERSC PI: Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository mp127 - High Performance Sparse Matrix Algorithms

Center for Scalable Application Development Software for Advanced Architectures

Software tools for increasing the productivity of scientific application development on high-end computer systems: multi-core compilers, Open64 compiler infrastructure, information exchange on parallel programming models, runtime libraries, instrumentation and tools.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Ken Kennedy, Rice University

  • NERSC PI: Katherine Yelick, University of California at Berkeley
     Repository m683 - Programming Models and Runtime Support for Scalable Parallel Computing

SciDAC Institutes

Performance Engineering Research

Enhancing the performance of SciDAC applications on petascale systems.

SciDAC Principal Investigator: Robert F. Lucas, Robert F. Lucas

  • NERSC PI: David Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
     Repository m88 - The Performance Engineering Research Institute

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