The Role of the Faculty Representative

The following guidelines are intended to assist faculty representatives in recruiting and advising students for the Udall Scholarship.

Identify early

  • Enlist admissions counselors, first-year and honors advisors, and multicultural and student affairs administrators to help identify promising first-year students.
  • Contact advisors and student officers of clubs, honor societies and organizations with environmental or Native American interests.
  • Hold information sessions for freshmen and sophomores to encourage early preparation. Invite former nominees and scholars to speak about the application process and scholarship benefits.
  • Combine Udall scholarship information sessions with information on related internships and research opportunities.
  • Visit environmental studies and Native American studies classes to speak briefly about the program.

Recruit widely

  • Enlist faculty support from a variety of departments, programs and schools.
  • Form a committee that includes faculty from environmental studies, policy, science, and Native American studies fields.
  • Place Foundation posters in prominent campus locations with your name and contact information (contact the Foundation if you need additional posters).
  • Understand that the Foundation seeks Scholars from a spectrum of academic disciplines and career paths, including science, engineering, policy, public service, and education.
  • Realize that students need not intend graduate study to be considered for a Udall Scholarship.
  • Publicize names of nominees and Scholars to raise campus awareness and visibility.

Coordinate campus-wide process

  • Set an institutional deadline at least several weeks in advance of the Foundation deadline.
  • Meet with interested students individually to discuss their educational and career goals in relation to the Udall Scholarship program.
  • Encourage the institutional selection committee to review applications and offer feedback to students.
  • Nominate students who demonstrate the characteristics the Foundation seeks: commitment, leadership, integrity.

Assistance to nominees

  • Help nominees to define and articulate their educational and professional goals.
  • Encourage nominees to craft thoughtful responses (particularly to short answers 4,5,6, and 7) to reveal experiences that support their commitment to the goals of the scholarship program.
  • Advise nominees to research the life and legacy of Congressman Udall in order to write a more substantive and informed essay.
  • Read early drafts of the short answers and essay and provide critical feedback.
  • Provide assistance with editing and proofreading (or direct nominee to the campus Writing Center or other resource).

Purpose of Essay

A well-written essay will demonstrate:

  • An understanding of past and/or current environmental, tribal or Native American health care issues in relation to Congressman's Udall's contribution and legacy.
  • A choice of a speech or piece of legislation that is clearly related to the nominee's goals and interests.
  • Exemplary critical analysis.


  • Encourage nominees to seek recommendations from faculty or administrators who are familiar with their campus and community activities, research, academic record, and character.
  • Help recommenders understand the Foundation's mission and the purpose of the scholarship program.
  • Request that recommenders submit their letters to you several days in advance of the mailing deadline.

General presentation

Please check to verify that:

  • The nominee has used the 2009 application form.
  • The application has not been handwritten, modified or recreated. The Foundation will not accept handwritten applications, applications with altered formats, nor will we accept attachments and additional pages.
  • All necessary transcripts are included.
  • The nominee has signed and dated the application form.


A complete application consists of:

  • Nomination form with signature
  • Essay
  • Current transcript
  • Other transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Copy of tribal enrollment card or other tribal verification (for applicants in tribal public policy and Native American health care)
  • Copy of Permanent Resident card and letter of intent to become a U.S. citizen (for U.S. permanent residents)
  • Voluntary survey form

Please submit all materials to your faculty representative by your college or university deadline. The Foundation must receive all materials from the faculty representative by March 3, 2009.