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  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Applying for Your First NERSC Allocation

NERSC uses the ERCAP (Energy Research Computing Allocations Process) system to manage allocation requests. ERCAP is part of the NIM (NERSC Information Management) web interface (more about this below).

Startup awards are available for new projects that wish to investigate using NERSC resources, or who wish to port or develop new codes. A request for a Startup project account may be made at any time during the year, and decisions for Startup requests are made by NERSC within one to three weeks after applying.

A prospective Principal Investigator (or a designated "PI Proxy" who can submit an allocation request on behalf of a PI) needs to fill out an online form and fax in to NERSC a Computer Policy Form. When these two actions are completed you will receive a NERSC login name and password, which will allow you to access NIM and the ERCAP allocations request form.

If you already have a NERSC login name and wish to become a new PI, you need only fill out an ERCAP allocation request form.

How to obtain a NERSC login name as a new PI or PI Proxy

  1. Fill out the ERCAP Access Request Form. If you wish to designate another person to fill out the request form for you you may designate a "PI Proxy" on this form as well.

  2. Answer all the questions on the Computer Use Policies form and fax it to NERSC. The fax number appears on the form. NERSC's Account Support Group will contact you with your NERSC login information within two working days.

How to fill out an ERCAP allocations request form

  1. Once you have received your NERSC login name and password, point your browser to, and login to NIM.

  2. In the upper left frame, under your name in the NIM main menu, will appear a menu called "My Stuff." Select "My ERCAP Requests" from this menu.

  3. In the bottom frame which appears, click on the link Start a new request. Note: existing NERSC users who are not yet registered as a PI will see instead a button labeled "Click here to start a new ERCAP request as a PI".

  4. Now the ERCAP application form will load in the bottom frame. The questions on the application form are divided into several pages. Each page is grouped under a tab. You will be in the first page, called Project Overview. If you are applying for a Startup Account, select the Project Class of Startup from the pull-down menu on question 6.

    The other tabs are not clickable until you have saved the Project Overview; after which you can click on any tab in any order.

    You MUST click the "Save" button at the bottom of each section in order to save your work on that page before selecting another tab.

  5. If you are applying for a Startup Account:

    • Select the Allocation Type of Startup from the pull-down menu on the Resources Requested page.
    • For information on available resources and maximum startup awards, see Allocated Resources.
    • Answer the questions to the best of your ability; detailed code descriptions and performance information are not required for startup requests.
    Startup requests may be made at any time. i Decisions for Startup requests are made within one to three weeks after applying.

  6. When you have finished writing your request, be sure to select "Finished" for the Current Request Status question on the Other Info / Finish page.

For more information about the ERCAP Allocations Process, see a more detailed description.

For help with accounts or passwords, contact NERSC support at 1-800-66-NERSC (USA), (510) 486-8600, menu option 2 or

For help filling out a request, contact the NERSC Consultants at 1-800-66-NERSC (USA); (510) 486-8600 menu option 3 or

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