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News Releases

- 2009
  April 28 FHFA Sends GSE Housing Goals to Federal Register; Proposed Rule Adjusts Certain Goals for Market Conditions; Provides Credit for Loan Modifications
  April 28 Federal Housing Finance Agency Reports Mortgage Interest Rates
  April 23 FHFA and FDIC Issue Call for Papers on Modeling Mortgage Default Risk
  April 22 U.S. Monthly House Price Index Estimates 0.7 Percent Price Increase From January to February
  April 21 FHFA Expands Reporting on Homeowner Assistance
  April 15 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Helping More Homeowners; Loan Modifications Increasing
  March 26 Federal Housing Finance Agency Reports Mortgage Interest Rates
  March 24 U.S. Monthly House Price Index Estimates 1.7 Percent Price Increase From December to January
  March 20 FHFA Responds to Chairman Frank Regarding Retention Programs
  March 17 FHFA Reports on Homeowner Assistance Show Growing Numbers of Loan Modifications
  February 26 Federal Housing Finance Agency Reports Mortgage Interest Rates
  February 24 Record Home Price Declines in Fourth Quarter; Isolated Pockets of Strength
  February 23 2009 Conforming Loan Limits Increased by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
  February 12 FHFA Submits Report on Homeowner Assistance to Congress
  February 6 FHFA Releases November Foreclosure Prevention Report
  January 27 FHFA Sends Two Interim Final Rules to Federal Register
  January 27 Federal Housing Finance Agency Reports Mortgage Interest Rates
  January 22 U.S. Monthly House Price Index Estimates 1.8 Percent Price Decline From October to November
  January 16 FHFA Submits Report on Homeowner Assistance to Congress
  January 15 FHFA Announces New Mortgage Data Requirements
  January 6 FHFB Chair Rosenfeld Resigns
+ 2008

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