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Annotated Bibliographies

The National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) Annotated Bibliographies feature allows users to search by text word and/or subject category to identify citations for publications and resources about guidelines. Resources have been selected not only from the peer-reviewed journal literature, but also from non-journal sources.

Please select one or more of the Subject Categories listed below and/or enter your search terms into the "Search by Keyword" box, and press the "Search" button. [Each option can be used alone or in combination.].
*Search results are sorted by author.
Search Tips

The Annotated Bibliographies feature was updated for the 19th time on January 19, 2009. There are now over 5,000 guideline-related citations available in the database.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please send them to the NGC staff at info@guideline.gov.