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Connections Archive

Planting the flag, Iwo Jima


Planting the flag on Iwo Jima. Image courtesy of American Memory at the Library of Congress.


Connections Archive Index

Past NEH-funded PBS features and other online exhibits with relevant EDSITEment resources.

American Experience: We Shall Remain

Apache warriorThis NEH-funded five-part television series on PBS is a provocative multimedia project which spans four centuries and gives Native American voice to the national experience from the Mayflower to the Wounded Knee occupation of 1973.

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Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul

Afghani gold pendant from exhibitThe nearly 230 artifacts in this exhibit were thought to be lost forever, casualties of the years of warfare, looting and destruction that followed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the rise of the Taliban in 1996. Instead most of them had been secretly hidden in crates in the Central Bank within the presidential palace in Kabul.

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Featured Interactives


Image of King ArthurBeginning on May 8, 2008, PBS stations will be broadcasting a new concert version of the musical about King Arthur and his kingdom Camelot. The EDSITEment lesson Exploring Arthurian Legend surveys the stories surrounding Arthur from their beginnings in the oral tradition in Medieval Europe, through the Renaissance and Victorian England, and concludes with T. H. White's modern retelling The Once and Future King which was the basis of the Lerner and Lowe musical. EDSITEment has other related lesson plans as well.

Featured Websites:

Was this Atlantis?

head of Minoan princeThe PBS series "Secrets of the Dead" aired Sinking Atlantis, about the Minoan civilization that is the original source of the Atlantis legend. One theory is that the final blow to a declining Minoan civilization was a volcanic eruption, as happened with Roman Pompeii. EDSITEment has a lesson plan on Pompeii, and another one on Greek Mythology, a period contemporaneous with the Minoans. Study other Minoan contemporaries with the lesson plans on Egypt’s Pyramids, and Ancient Mesopotamia, and view Minoan artifacts from the EDSITEment-reviewed Timeline of Art History.

Featured Websites

The Presidents

Montage of PresidentsThe Presidents, part of the American Experience series on PBS, explores the lives and times of the individuals who have held the highest office in the land. One can look at the presidency in the 20th century and through its office see the drama of contemporary America—war, economic hardship, women's rights, race relations, our triumphs and our tragedies—it is all there.


Featured Lesson Plans:

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Featured Websites:

American Experience: Walt Whitman

Walt WhitmanThis program, about the life and work of the poet Walt Whitman, partially funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will be available to watch online. EDSITEment lesson plans Walt Whitman's Poetry and Notebooks: The Sweep of the Universe and Walt Whitman to Langston Hughes: Poems for a Democracy will introduce students to one of the most compelling voices of the 19th century.

Featured Websites:

American Masters: Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neale HurstonAmerican Masters: Zora Neale Hurston: Jump at the Sun. The program offers an introduction to the writer who many consider the pre-eminent African American woman novelist of her generation. The American Master website provides a career timeline, photographs, and additional footage from the film. An important letter from Hurston to the poet Countee Cullen on race relations in America is also included as are links to related websites. EDSITEment's lesson on Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God focuses on the way the writer incorporated folklore traditions into her literary masterpiece.

Featured Websites:

“The War” on PBS
— A Ken Burns Film

planting flag, Iwo JimaThe War is a seven-part documentary, partially funded by NEH, directed and produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, and tells the story of the Second World War through the personal accounts of a handful of men and women from four quintessentially American towns. The series explores the most intimate human dimensions of the greatest cataclysm in history - a worldwide catastrophe that touched the lives of every family on every street in every town in America - and demonstrates that in extraordinary times, there are no ordinary lives.


Featured Lesson Plans:

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