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Technology Innovation

BPA created the Technology Innovation office in July 2005 to focus and manage its technology initiatives, as well as to help guide the development of a robust research and development portfolio, drawing from staff that are already engaged in BPA's dispersed research and development work.

"We believe we should be more proactive in guiding and supporting the research and development that has the potential to take electric service to new levels in the Pacific Northwest. Further, we should be adapting the successfully researched and developed technologies into demonstration programs and commercial deployments here in the region. If we aren't doing this, then we aren't creating the value that BPA uniquely can deliver for the people of the Pacific Northwest…My hope and expectation is that we will not only regain our historical leadership in the industry in this area, but we will take it to a higher level and a broader impact."
- Steve Hickok, Deputy Administrator

Agency R&D Portfolio

Annual Solicitation for R&D Projects

The Agency R&D Portfolio is fully allocated for 2009-2010. The Technology Innovation office will not initiate a solicitation for new projects in March 2009 for fiscal year 2010.

Our solicitation process for the FY2011 Agency R&D Portfolio will begin in March 2010. If you have questions please send them to:

Technology Roadmaps

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     Page last modified on Monday March 09, 2009.