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2008 JULY–AUGUST No. 363
August 15, 2008 [posted]

PubMed®: Altered Status Tags

graphical image of the letter T

T he status tag indicates the processing stage of a record in the PubMed database (see Figure 1).

The status, PubMed, is used for items that are not indexed with MeSH vocabulary but for which the bibliographic data has been checked for accuracy. Starting this month all records that are not eligible for MEDLINE status and are in PubMed because they cite articles with full text in PubMed Central® (PMC) will have the status, PubMed. This includes:

It is possible to search PubMed for these two types of records. Search pubstatuspmcsd to retrieve records for selective deposit articles from non-MEDLINE journals in PMC. Search pubstatusnihms to retrieve records for articles from non-MEDLINE journals with author manuscripts in PMC. These records will be included in the revised search for all items with the status, PubMed: pubmednotmedline [sb] OR (pubstatusnihms OR pubstatuspmcsd AND publisher [sb]).

Note also that the search for items tagged with PubMed — as supplied by publisher has been revised to: publisher [sb] NOT pubstatusnihms NOT pubstatuspmcsd

For current information about all status tags, their conditions and how to search, see PubMed Help.

By Annette M. Nahin
MEDLARS Management Section

Nahin AM. PubMed®: Altered Status Tags. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Jul-Aug; (363):e14.

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