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Volume 8(7);  July 2006
Brief Article
Activity of the Vascular-Disrupting Agent 5,6-Dimethylxanthenone-4-Acetic Acid against Human Head and Neck Carcinoma Xenografts
Mukund Seshadri, Richard Mazurchuk, Joseph A Spernyak, Arup Bhattacharya, Youcef M Rustum, and David A Bellnier
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 534–542.
PMCID: PMC1601938
Research Articles
Loss of Adhesion in the Circulation Converts Amelanotic Metastatic Melanoma Cells to Melanotic by Inhibition of AKT
Zhang Weihua, Rachel Tsan, Do-Hyun Nam, Weixin Lu, and Isaiah J Fidler
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 543–550.
PMCID: PMC1601939
p53-Induced Apoptosis Occurs in the Absence of p14ARF in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Sally Hopkins-Donaldson, Larisa L Belyanskaya, Ana Paula Simões-Wüst, Brigitte Sigrist, Stefanie Kurtz, Uwe Zangemeister-Wittke, and Rolf Stahel
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 551–559.
PMCID: PMC1601933
The Response of RIF-1 Fibrosarcomas to the Vascular-Disrupting Agent ZD6126 Assessed by In Vivo and Ex Vivo 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Basetti Madhu, John C Waterton, John R Griffiths, Anderson J Ryan, and Simon P Robinson
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 560–567.
PMCID: PMC1601935
AP-2γ Induces p21 Expression, Arrests Cell Cycle, and Inhibits the Tumor Growth of Human Carcinoma Cells
Hualei Li, Prabhat C Goswami, and Frederick E Domann
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 568–577.
PMCID: PMC1601932
CCL2 is a Potent Regulator of Prostate Cancer Cell Migration and Proliferation
Robert D Loberg, LaShon L Day, Jason Harwood, Chi Ying, Lauren N St. John, Ryan Giles, Chris K Neeley, and Kenneth J Pienta
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 578–586.
PMCID: PMC1601934
Early Effects of Combretastatin A4 Phosphate Assessed by Anatomic and Carbogen-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Rat Bladder Tumors Implanted in Nude Mice
Carole D. Thomas, Christine Walczak, Julia Kaffy, Renée Pontikis, Jacqueline Jouanneau, and Andreas Volk
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 587–595.
PMCID: PMC1601936
FGF2 Binding, Signaling, and Angiogenesis Are Modulated by Heparanase in Metastatic Melanoma Cells
Jane Reiland, Doty Kempf, Madhuchhanda Roy, Yvonne Denkins, and Dario Marchetti
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 596–606.
PMCID: PMC1601937
In Vivo Spectral Fluorescence Imaging of Submillimeter Peritoneal Cancer Implants Using a Lectin-Targeted Optical Agent
Yukihiro Hama, Yasuteru Urano, Yoshinori Koyama, Mako Kamiya, Marcelino Bernardo, Ronald S. Paik, Murali C. Krishna, Peter L. Choyke, and Hisataka Kobayashi
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 607–612.
PMCID: PMC1601930
Constitutive Activation of Neuregulin/ERBB3 Signaling Pathway in Clear Cell Sarcoma of Soft Tissue
Karl-Ludwig Schaefer, Kristin Brachwitz, Yvonne Braun, Raihanatou Diallo, Daniel H. Wai, Susanne Zahn, Dominik T Schneider, Cornelius Kuhnen, Arabel Vollmann, Gero Brockhoff, Helmut E. Gabbert, and Christopher Poremba
Neoplasia. 2006 July; 8(7): 613–622.
PMCID: PMC1601931
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