[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 49, Volume 5] [Revised as of October 1, 2001] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 49CFR571.9] [Page 190] TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER V--NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PART 571--FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS--Table of Contents Subpart A--General Sec. 571.9 Separability. If any standard established in this part or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the part and the application of that standard to other persons or circumstances is not affected thereby. [33 FR 19705, Dec. 25, 1968. Redesignated at 35 FR 5118, Mar. 26, 1970]