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wellhead analytic element model

WhAEM2000 is a public domain and open source general purpose ground-water flow modeling system, with strengths in representing regional flow systems, and ground water/surface water interactions. It was initially designed to facilitate capture zone delineation and protection area mapping in support of the State's Wellhead Protection Programs (WHPP) and Source Water Assessment Planning (SWAP) for public water supply wells in the United States. WhAEM2000 runs on personal computers running Windows (98,2000,NT,XP). WhAEM2000 provides an interactive computer environment for design of protection areas based on radius methods, well in uniform flow solutions, and geohydrologic modeling methods. Geohydrologic modeling for steady pumping wells, including the influence of hydrological boundaries, such as rivers, recharge, and no-flow contacts, is accomplished using the analytic element method. Protection areas are designed and overlaid upon US Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (DLG) or other electronic base maps. Base maps for a project can be selected from a graphical index map for the State on the EPA webserver. Program operation and modeling practice is documented in the EPA report "Working with WhAEM2000" using Vincennes, Indiana as a case study.

The computational engine in the modeling system is the Fortran code GFLOW1 by Dr. Henk Haitjema. The standard windows graphical user interface is written in Visual Basic and designed by Dr. Vic Kelson of Wittman Hydro Planning Associates. Dr. Stephen Kraemer is the EPA Project Leader.

Go to WhAEM2000 download.

Go to Analytic Elements Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Go to EPA Drinking Water Academy Training Course description.

For additional modeling information, please go to the EPA's Council on Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM) site. CREM promotes consistency and consensus within the Agency on mathematical modeling issues including model guidance, development, and application, and enhances both internal and external communications on modeling activities. The CREM is the Agency's central point to address modeling issues.

For information on models distributed by EPA's Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM), please go to http://www.epa.gov/ceampubl/.

This research supported by:

This research sponsored by EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

whaem capture zone vincennes indiana wellfield extends to the southeast

Figure. Capture zone envelope for wellfield of Vincennes, Indiana.

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