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Download EPI SuiteTM v4.0

Copyright Notice; Terms and Conditions of Use:

© 2000 - 2009 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for EPI SuiteTM and all component programs except BioHCWIN and KOAWIN.

Except for the BioHCWIN and KOAWIN models, EPI SuiteTM and the individual models included within the software are owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and are protected by copyright throughout the world. Permission is granted for individuals to download and use the software on their personal and business computers. Users may not alter, modify, merge, adapt, or prepare derivative works from the software. Users may not remove or obscure copyright, trademark, or proprietary notices on the program or related documentation. EPI SuiteTM and the names of the individual programs contained therein are trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Description of Updates for EPI SuiteTM Version 4.00 (January, 2009)

epi400.zip 45 MB (83 MB Installed)

Download And Install Instructions

The file is a zip file. If you do not have unzip software in your computer, you may not successfully install EPI v4.00. By downloading this software, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use. To install, complete the instructions below:

1. Double click EPI400.zip.
2. Save EPI400 to a folder of your choice.
3. Unzip the contents of the EPI400.zip file.Two files will be extracted, called epiwebsetup.msi and setup.exe.
4. Execute the file named setup.exe located in the folder that you chose and follow the instructions at each screen to proceed. By default, the EPISUITE software is installed in C:\Program Files\EPISUITE40 and shortcut icons, called EPIWEB 4.0, are placed in the Windows Start\All Programs menu and on the desktop.
5. After you finish installation, run EPI SuiteTM by clicking the Windows Start button and choosing All Programs, EPI SuiteTM, then double clicking the EPIWEB 4.0 icon.

Notify Me Of Future Updates:

If you want to be notified when future updates of the above download are available, please give your correct e-mail address. We will notify you to your e-mail address. A complete e-mail address includes your name and the domain name. Examples are Doe.John@myfavoritechemical.com, Doe.Jane@epa.gov.

Please use the following form:

Your Name:
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