[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 36, Volume 3]

[Revised as of July 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 36CFR800.9]

[Page 100-101]





                        ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION




                    Subpart B_The section 106 Process


Sec. 800.9  Council review of section 106 compliance.

    (a) Assessment of agency official compliance for individual 

undertakings. The Council may provide to the agency official its 

advisory opinion regarding the substance of any finding, determination 

or decision or regarding the adequacy of the agency official's 

compliance with the procedures under this part. The Council may provide 

such advice at any time at the request of any individual, agency or 

organization or on its own initiative. The agency official shall 

consider the views of the Council in reaching a decision on the matter 

in question.

    (b) Agency foreclosure of the Council's opportunity to comment. 

Where an agency official has failed to complete the requirements of 

section 106 in accordance with the procedures in this part prior to the 

approval of an undertaking, the Council's opportunity to comment may be 

foreclosed. The Council may review a case to determine whether a 

foreclosure has occurred. The Council shall notify the agency official 

and the agency's Federal preservation officer and allow 30 days for the 

agency official to provide information as to whether foreclosure has 

occurred. If the Council determines foreclosure has occurred, the 

Council shall transmit the determination to the agency official and the 

head of the agency. The Council shall also make the determination 

available to the public and any parties known to be interested in the 

undertaking and its effects upon historic properties.

    (c) Intentional adverse effects by applicants.(1) Agency 

responsibility. Section 110(k) of the act prohibits a Federal agency 

from granting a loan, loan guarantee, permit, license or other 

assistance to an applicant who, with intent to avoid the requirements of 

section 106, has intentionally significantly adversely affected a 

historic property to which the grant would relate, or having legal power 

to prevent it, has allowed such significant adverse effect to occur, 

unless the agency, after consultation with the Council, determines that 

circumstances justify granting such assistance despite the adverse 

effect created or permitted by the applicant. Guidance issued by the 

Secretary pursuant to section 110 of the act governs its implementation.

    (2) Consultation with the Council. When an agency official 

determines, based on the actions of an applicant, that section 110(k) is 

applicable and that circumstances may justify granting the assistance, 

the agency official shall notify the Council and provide documentation 

specifying the circumstances under which the adverse effects to the 

historic property occurred and the degree of damage to the integrity of 

the property. This documentation shall include any views obtained from 

the applicant, SHPO/THPO, an Indian tribe if the undertaking occurs on 

or affects historic properties on tribal lands, and other parties known 

to be interested in the undertaking.

    (i) Within thirty days of receiving the agency official's 

notification, unless otherwise agreed to by the agency official, the 

Council shall provide the agency official with its opinion as to whether 

circumstances justify granting assistance to the applicant and any 

possible mitigation of the adverse effects.

    (ii) The agency official shall consider the Council's opinion in 

making a decision on whether to grant assistance to the applicant, and 

shall notify the Council, the SHPO/THPO, and other parties known to be 

interested in the undertaking prior to granting the assistance.

    (3) Compliance with Section 106. If an agency official, after 

consulting with the Council, determines to grant the assistance, the 

agency official shall comply with Sec. Sec. 800.3 through 800.6 to take 

into account the effects of the undertaking on any historic properties.

    (d) Evaluation of Section 106 operations. The Council may evaluate 

the operation of the section 106 process by periodic reviews of how 

participants have fulfilled their legal responsibilities and how 

effectively the outcomes reached advance the purposes of the act.

[[Page 101]]

    (1) Information from participants. Section 203 of the act authorizes 

the Council to obtain information from Federal agencies necessary to 

conduct evaluation of the section 106 process. The agency official shall 

make documentation of agency policies, operating procedures and actions 

taken to comply with section 106 available to the Council upon request. 

The Council may request available information and documentation from 

other participants in the section 106 process.

    (2) Improving the operation of section 106. Based upon any 

evaluation of the section 106 process, the Council may make 

recommendations to participants, the heads of Federal agencies, and the 

Secretary of actions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the 

process. Where the Council determines that an agency official or a SHPO/

THPO has failed to properly carry out the responsibilities assigned 

under the process in this part, the Council may participate in 

individual case reviews conducted under such process in addition to the 

SHPO/THPO for such period that it determines is necessary to improve 

performance or correct deficiencies. If the Council finds a pattern of 

failure by a Federal agency in carrying out its responsibilities under 

section 106, the Council may review the policies and programs of the 

agency related to historic preservation pursuant to section 202(a)(6) of 

the act and recommend methods to improve the effectiveness, 

coordination, and consistency of those policies and programs with 

section 106.