[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 36, Volume 3]

[Revised as of July 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 36CFR800.3]

[Page 89-90]





                        ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION




                    Subpart B_The section 106 Process


Sec. 800.3  Initiation of the section 106 process.

    (a) Establish undertaking. The agency official shall determine 

whether the proposed Federal action is an undertaking as defined in 

Sec. 800.16(y) and, if so, whether it is a type of activity that has 

the potential to cause effects on historic properties.

    (1) No potential to cause effects. If the undertaking is a type of 

activity that does not have the potential to cause effects on historic 

properties, assuming such historic properties were present, the agency 

official has no further obligations under section 106 or this part.

    (2) Program alternatives. If the review of the undertaking is 

governed by a Federal agency program alternative established under Sec. 

800.14 or a programmatic agreement in existence before January 11, 2001, 

the agency official shall follow the program alternative.

    (b) Coordinate with other reviews. The agency official should 

coordinate the steps of the section 106 process, as appropriate, with 

the overall planning schedule for the undertaking and with any reviews 

required under other authorities such as the National Environmental 

Policy Act, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 

the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, the Archeological Resources 

Protection Act, and agency-specific legislation, such as section 4(f) of 

the Department of Transportation Act. Where consistent with the 

procedures in this subpart, the agency official may use information 

developed for other reviews under Federal, State, or tribal law to meet 

the requirements of section 106.

    (c) Identify the appropriate SHPO and/or THPO. As part of its 

initial planning, the agency official shall determine the appropriate 

SHPO or SHPOs to be involved in the section 106 process. The agency 

official shall also determine whether the undertaking may occur on or 

affect historic properties on any tribal lands and, if so, whether a 

THPO has assumed the duties of the SHPO. The agency official shall then 

initiate consultation with the appropriate officer or officers.

    (1) Tribal assumption of SHPO responsibilities. Where an Indian 

tribe has assumed the section 106 responsibilities of the SHPO on tribal 

lands pursuant to section 101(d)(2) of the act, consultation for 

undertakings occurring on tribal land or for effects on tribal land is 

with the THPO for the Indian tribe in lieu of the SHPO. Section 

101(d)(2)(D)(iii) of the act authorizes owners of properties on tribal 

lands which are neither owned by a member of the tribe nor held in trust 

by the Secretary for the benefit of the tribe to request the SHPO to 

participate in the section 106 process in addition to the THPO.

    (2) Undertakings involving more than one State. If more than one 

State is involved in an undertaking, the involved SHPOs may agree to 

designate a lead SHPO to act on their behalf in the section 106 process, 

including taking actions that would conclude the section 106 process 

under this subpart.

    (3) Conducting consultation. The agency official should consult with 

the SHPO/THPO in a manner appropriate to the agency planning process for 

the undertaking and to the nature of the undertaking and its effects on 

historic properties.

    (4) Failure of the SHPO/THPO to respond. If the SHPO/THPO fails to 

respond within 30 days of receipt of a request for review of a finding 

or determination, the agency official may either proceed to the next 

step in the process based on the finding or determination or consult 

with the Council in lieu of the SHPO/THPO. If the SHPO/THPO re-enters 

the Section 106 process, the agency official shall continue the 

consultation without being required to reconsider previous findings or 


    (d) Consultation on tribal lands. Where the Indian tribe has not 

assumed the responsibilities of the SHPO on tribal lands, consultation 

with the Indian tribe regarding undertakings occurring on such tribe's 

lands or effects on such tribal lands shall be in addition to and on the 

same basis as consultation with the SHPO. If the SHPO has withdrawn from 

the process, the agency official may complete the section 106 process

[[Page 90]]

with the Indian tribe and the Council, as appropriate. An Indian tribe 

may enter into an agreement with a SHPO or SHPOs specifying the SHPO's 

participation in the section 106 process for undertakings occurring on 

or affecting historic properties on tribal lands.

    (e) Plan to involve the public. In consultation with the SHPO/THPO, 

the agency official shall plan for involving the public in the section 

106 process. The agency official shall identify the appropriate points 

for seeking public input and for notifying the public of proposed 

actions, consistent with Sec. 800.2(d).

    (f) Identify other consulting parties. In consultation with the 

SHPO/THPO, the agency official shall identify any other parties entitled 

to be consulting parties and invite them to participate as such in the 

section 106 process. The agency official may invite others to 

participate as consulting parties as the section 106 process moves 


    (1) Involving local governments and applicants. The agency official 

shall invite any local governments or applicants that are entitled to be 

consulting parties under Sec. 800.2(c).

    (2) Involving Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. The 

agency official shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to 

identify any Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations that might 

attach religious and cultural significance to historic properties in the 

area of potential effects and invite them to be consulting parties. Such 

Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization that requests in writing to 

be a consulting party shall be one.

    (3) Requests to be consulting parties. The agency official shall 

consider all written requests of individuals and organizations to 

participate as consulting parties and, in consultation with the SHPO/

THPO and any Indian tribe upon whose tribal lands an undertaking occurs 

or affects historic properties, determine which should be consulting 


    (g) Expediting consultation. A consultation by the agency official 

with the SHPO/THPO and other consulting parties may address multiple 

steps in Sec. Sec. 800.3 through 800.6 where the agency official and 

the SHPO/THPO agree it is appropriate as long as the consulting parties 

and the public have an adequate opportunity to express their views as 

provided in Sec. 800.2(d).