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Presentations from the Fall 2003 Standing Air Monitoring Work Group Meeting -- San Francisco, CA

October 16-18, 2003

Electronic versions of the presentations made at this meeting are available below. To access individual presentation materials, please click on the PDF icon.


Metadata file Agenda pdf icon
Metadata file Coarse PM Methods Evaluation Study - Study Design & Preliminary Results presented by Bob Vanderpool, ORD/NERL pdf icon
Metadata file CARB Continuous PM2.5 Network Experience" presented by Ken Stroud, Chief, Air Quality Surveillance Branch, California Air Resources Board pdf icon
Metadata file "Reporting FRM-like PM2.5 Data in the Upper Midwest" presented by Mike Koerber, Lake Michigan Air Divisions Consortium pdf icon
Metadata file "Comparison of the STN and IMPROVE Networks for Mass and Selected Chemical Components (Preliminary Results)" presented by Paul Solomon, EPA, ORD pdf icon
Metadata file "PM Ambient Methods Research - ORD Carbon - Status" presented by Paul Solomon, EPA, ORD pdf icon
Metadata file "EPA's PM Supersites Program; EPA's Communication Strategy" presented by Paul Solomon, EPA, ORD pdf icon
Metadata file "Bay Area AQMD Data Collection Network; Data Acquisition Systems (DAS); Data Management System (DMS)" presented by Mark Stoelting, Bay Area Air Quality Management District pdf icon
Metadata file "Upgrade/Replacement of Air Monitoring Data Systems" presented by Charles Pietarinen, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection pdf icon
Metadata file "Optical Remote Sensing Air Monitoring Techniques" presented by Michael Yost, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington pdf icon
Metadata file "Aethalometer Comparisons to EC, Iron, and Manganese - Metro Seattle Region" presented by Mike Gilroy, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency pdf icon
Metadata file Data and Findings: Intial Evaluation of Fine Particle Siting Guidance Regarding Roadway Setback" presented by Mike Gilroy, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency pdf icon
Metadata file "PM2.5 Bias Update" presented by Mike Papp, EPA, OAQPS pdf icon
Metadata file "8 Hour Ozone Data Quality Objectives" presented by Mike Papp, EPA, OAQPS pdf icon
Metadata file "Status Report: Regional Network Assessments" presented by Mel Zeldin pdf icon

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