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RNA. 2008 November; 14(11): 2430–2439.
doi: 10.1261/rna.1189008.
PMCID: PMC2578861
Mutational analysis of the U12-dependent branch site consensus sequence
Jay E. Brock, Rosemary C. Dietrich, and Richard A. Padgett
Department of Molecular Genetics, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio 44195, USA
Reprint requests to: Richard A. Padgett, Department of Molecular Genetics, Lerner Research Institute, 9500 Euclid Avenue, NE-20, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA; e-mail: padgetr/at/; fax: (216) 444-0512.
Received May 19, 2008; Accepted August 1, 2008.
Highly conserved sequences at the 5′ splice site and branch site of U12-dependent introns are important determinants for splicing by U12-dependent spliceosomes. This study investigates the in vivo splicing phenotypes of mutations in the branch site consensus sequence of the U12-dependent intron F from a human NOL1 (P120) minigene. Intron F contains a fully consensus branch site sequence (UUCCUUAAC). Mutations at each position were analyzed for their effects on U12-dependent splicing in vivo. Mutations at most positions resulted in a significant reduction of correct U12-dependent splicing. Defects observed included increased unspliced RNA levels, the activation of cryptic U2-dependent 5′ and 3′ splice sites, and the activation of cryptic U12-dependent branch/3′ splice sites. A strong correlation was observed between the predicted thermodynamic stability of the branch site: U12 snRNA interaction and correct U12-dependent splicing. The lack of a polypyrimidine tract between the branch site and 3′ splice site of U12-dependent introns and the observed reliance on base-pairing interactions for correct U12-dependent splicing emphasize the importance of RNA/RNA interactions during U12-dependent intron recognition and proper splice site selection.
Keywords: splicing, U12-dependent spliceosome, minor class intron