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IPMA-CP Certification

Minimum Education/Experience Requirements: Certified Professional (IPMA-CP)

To be eligible for certification, you must meet one of the following education/experience requirements.  Your experience must be considered at the professional/managerial level and be considered exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  Please check the appropriate box for your level of education/experience:

  • A Graduate level degree, and 2 years of HR experience, 1 year of public sector HR experience;
  • A Bachelor’s degree, and 4 years of HR experience, including 1 year in public sector HR; or
  • An Associate's degree and 6 years of HR experience, including 1 year in public sector HR; or
  • No degree and 8 years of HR experience, including 1 year in public sector HR

Experience with HR Competency/Certification Exam: Certified Professional

To complete the certification process you must demonstrate an understanding of HR competencies by successfully completing a written examination. The exam is provided online or can be taken at the conclusion of the IPMA-HR Developing Competencies for HR Success Training Program.

IPMA-CP Executive Level Certification*

Experience Requirements: Executive Level

To be eligible for certification in the executive category, you must be the HR director or its equivalent for your organization and have at least 10 years of HR managerial experience, including 3 years of HR managerial experience in the public sector.  Your experience must be at the managerial level and be considered exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  If you qualify, the examination will be waived.

*The designation awarded, IPMA-CP is the same as the Certified Professional. The requirements to become certified are the only difference.


Minimum Education/Experience Requirements: Certified Specialist (IPMA-CS)

To be eligible for certification, you must meet one of the following education/experience requirements. Your experience must be considered at the professional/managerial level and be considered exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Please check the appropriate box for your level of education/experience:

  • A Graduate level degree, and 2 years of HR experience, 1 year of public sector HR experience;
  • A Bachelor’s degree, and 4 years of HR experience, including 1 year in public sector HR; or
  • An Associate's degree and 6 years of HR experience, including 1 year in public sector HR; or
  • No degree and 8 years of HR experience, including 1 year in public sector HR

Technical Proficiency (Personal Profile)

To be certified as an IPMA-HR Certified Specialist, you are required to demonstrate proficiency at the mastery level in the area of specialization for at least the previous five years, one of which must be in the public sector; and have completed a minimum of 30 hours of professional development training in the area of specialization within the past three years. For calculating hours of professional development training, one full day of training equals six hours.

Technical Skill Areas
Click on the links below to get more information about mastery and journey level proficiency in the different skill areas.

Experience with HR Competency/Certification Exam: Certified Specialist

To complete the certification process you must demonstrate an understanding of HR competencies by successfully completing a written examination. The exam is provided online or can be taken at the conclusion of the IPMA-HR Developing Competencies for HR Success Training Program.

For questions regarding IPMA-HR Certification, contact Debbie Tankersely-Snook at (703) 549-7100 ext. 250 or Jessica Allen at (703) 549-7100 ext. 248.

International Public Management Association for Human Resources
1617 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 549-7100 Fax: (703) 684-0948

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