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Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Pacific Region
 Comprehensive Conservation Planning

The Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex has initiated a planning process called "Comprehensive Conservation Planning" to review and plan for long term management of wildlife, habitat, and public use activities on Cape Meares, Oregon Islands, and Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuges.

From May 2006 to December 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) will be requesting input from Tribes, interested agencies, elected officials, the public, and organizations regarding their interests, concerns, and viewpoints about Refuge management issues. This information will be helpful in the development of the Refuges’ Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP).

As the Service conducts the CCP planning process, we are providing the opportunity to look at our wildlife and habitat management and public programs from fresh perspectives. The original purposes of the Refuges will remain unchanged from when the areas were set aside to protect habitat for wildlife and, in some locations, to provide for wildlife dependent recreation consistent with wildlife needs. However, we have a chance to review each of our management programs, and this is where your insights and observations are needed, to facilitate a more complete and thoughtful process.

Public Involvement

Please share your ideas by submitting written comments to us.

Download our public comment form (87 KB).

Send comments to:
Roy W. Lowe, Project Leader
Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex
2127 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, Oregon 97365-5258
Phone: (541) 867-4550
Fax: (541) 867-4551

For more information about the CCP planning process, visit the Pacific Region Division of Refuge Planning website.

David Sibley's illustration of a tufted puffin

Public Meetings

Five public open house meetings were held in November 2006 in Newport, Oceanside, Cannon Beach, Brookings and Bandon. A brief presentation was given and public comments were captured.

Planning Updates

Press Releases


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Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 2127 SE Marine Science Drive, Newport, OR, 97365
Phone: 541-867-4550. Email:
Site last updated July 25, 2008