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RTP News - March 2006

March 30

Action/Information: Guidance and Resources you can use

  1. Revised RTP Apportionments: Mandated Rescissions
  2. RTP Advisory Committee Representation
  3. Coalition for Recreational Trails Awards
  4. Conferences and Events
  5. State OHV Laws Update reply to Bob Walker, Montana
  6. Youth Corps Encouragement: Connections Newsletter
  7. Staffnet Updates

  1. Revised RTP Apportionments: Mandated Rescissions: Effective March 21, 2006
    Please see FHWA Notice on Rescission ($1.1 billion), revised FY 2006 FHWA Notices of Apportionments and Obligation Limitation pursuant to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, Public Law, 109-59, the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2006, Public Law, 109-115 and the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006, Public Law, 109-148. The funding will be adjusted in the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) soon. For future reference, the Notices will be posted on the web at:

    This is a 1% rescission for all programs and all States. It does not account for additional rescissions that a State may take to return unobligated balances from previous years. We posted the revised RTP apportionments at

  2. RTP Advisory Committee Representation
    The RTP's State Recreational Trail Advisory Committee requirement specifically requires States to have motorized user representation and nonmotorized user representation on their committees. See the current guidance at A State committee of people who know about trails but don't represent particular user interests does not meet the RTP's statutory requirement. If a State doesn't meet the RTP Advisory Committee requirement, it will not receive an apportionment in the next fiscal year.

  3. Coalition for Recreational Trails Awards: Deadline April 17, 2006.
    The Coalition for Recreational Trails, a federation of national and regional trail-related organizations, is accepting applications for its 2006 achievement awards to recognize outstanding trail projects funded by the national Recreational Trails Program (RTP). The awards will be presented in Washington DC during Great Outdoors Week 2006 (June 12-16) as part of the Coalition's ongoing effort to build awareness and appreciation of this highly successful program, which has greatly enhanced the quantity and quality of trail experiences available to the public. See for a link to the 2006 Nominations and to see awards from previous years.

  4. Conferences and Events

    May 5-7: Historic Trails Workshop, Kansas City, Missouri's Quarterage Hotel of Westport.

    June 3: National Trails Day:

    June 7-11: International Snowmobile Congress:

    June 20-23: IMBA Summit / World Mountain Bike Conference: The IMBA Summit and World Mountain Bike Conference (June 20-23, 2006, in Whistler, BC) will be a premier event for trail advocates, land managers, resort and ski industry representatives, and members of the mountain bike industry. Register now and you'll save $100 per registrant. Or enroll three people and pay for two - Early Bird pricing offer expires March 31. More details on Early Bird registration here:

    August 3-5, 2006: Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference, Roanoke VA,

    September 5-8, 2006: ProWalk/ProBike 2006, Madison WI,

    October 18-19: State Trail Administrators Meeting:

    October 19-22: National Trails Symposium: DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS: April 1, 2006.

    American Trails is accepting nominations to host the National Trails Symposium in 2008 and 2010. All State Trail Administrators should have received a notice directly from American Trails. If you need additional information, please contact Pam Gluck, Executive Director, at the American Trails office, by phone at 530-547-2060 or via email at

  5. State OHV Laws Update
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Walker, Bob []
    Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:52 PM
    Subject: State OHV Laws Update

    State Trail Administrators: Please update this list: provide your update to Bob Walker at FHWA will post this table on our RTP website: its accuracy depends on State review and comment.

  6. Youth Corps Encouragement
    The National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse (NTEC) publishes Connections, a quarterly newsletter about Transportation Enhancement (TE) activities. The Spring 2006 edition focuses on the benefits of Youth Corps, and how to work effectively with them. See (Volume 9 #2). If you want to be on the Connections mailing list, contact NTEC at

  7. RTP List Updates Reminder - Please check your State's entry and contact if you have changes or updates. NOTE: FHWA email addresses are changing from to

March 10

Action/Information: Guidance and Resources you can use.

  1. Reminder of Advisory Committee Requirement: Thank you to those who responded so far.
  2. National Scenic Byways Program Grants Announced
  3. Conferences and Events: Historic Trails Workshop, National Trails Day, International Snowmobile Congress, IMBA Summit / World Mountain Bike Summit
  4. Smart Growth Awards: Call for Entries
  5. 2006 Kodak American Greenways Awards Program
  6. FHWA Training Courses Available including Historic Preservation
  7. State OHV Laws Update reply to Bob Walker, Montana
  8. Youth Corps Encouragement: NASCC Newsletter
  9. RTP List Updates Reminder

  1. Reminder of Advisory Committee Requirement
    Reminder of the RTP's State Recreational Trail Advisory Committee Requirement (current guidance at, likely to have minor amendments).

    I received evidence (meeting minutes) of FY 2006 Advisory Committee meeting minutes from: DC, GA, IN, KY, ME, MO, NE, OK, and notice of a proposed meeting in WA.

    If any other State has FY 2006 meeting minutes (a short version without tons of attachments), please send them to I only need evidence of one meeting (if you have multiple meetings, please only send one example with significant action). FHWA will send an official reminder some time in June/July to States that haven't submitted anything by that time.

  2. National Scenic Byways Program Grants
    Local communities in 42 states will receive more than $22 million in federal grants for 207 projects that improve and promote highways designated as scenic byways, U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta announced today [March 6, 2006]. See:

  3. Conferences and Events
    May 5-7: Historic Trails Workshop, Kansas City, Missouri's Quarterage Hotel of Westport. Contact the Partnership for the National Trails System for more information.

    June 3: National Trails Day
    Visit the American Hiking Society website for event planning ideas ( and get suggestions on how to promote your event ( AHS would like to provide a few suggestions and reminders as you continue to plan your event: ordering promotional items from American Hiking Society at the end of March.

    The updated 2006 NTD Event Organizer's Manual is at The manual includes a timeline for planning your event. According to this timeline, now you should: hold initial organizing meetings; hire or appoint an event coordinator; select logistics for the event; and secure commitments from participating organizations. You should also consider: budget design; begin fundraising; schedule speakers and entertainment; acquiring permits; establishing a media and press list; and look into ordering promotional items from American Hiking Society at the end of March.

    June 7-11: International Snowmobile Congress

    June 20-23: IMBA Summit / World Mountain Bike Conference:
    From: Robin/World Mountain Bike Conference
    Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 5:26 PM
    Subject: IMBA Summit/World Mountain Bike Conference June 2006

    Dear Mountain Bike Colleague; Join us in Whistler, June 20 - 23, 2006, for the IMBA Summit/World Mountain Bike Conference, a precedent-setting event with all attendees gaining skills, important contacts, and in some cases, new biking abilities. And, a unique opportunity to gather up-to-date information and materials addressing the rapidly evolving sport of mountain biking.

    Whistler is an ideal location and model city for every kind of riding; from paved bike paths, to the best municipally run and maintained beginner trails, epic cross-country riding, and of course, the world famous #1 rated Whistler Mountain Bike Park.

    Expand your knowledge and comprehensive skills with sessions related to recreational trail usage, maintenance and liability issues. Delegates from last year's record-breaking conference requested a "Risk Management and Liability Plenary". Insurance and legal experts highlighting their expertise conducted an extensive Q & A session, which we have also added for this years' event with an additional extended "Risk" Plenary. Sessions that may interest you from our program

    • "10 Steps to Creating a Risk Management Plan"
    • "Building Trails in Urban Ecosystems"
    • "Managing Risk with Trail Design"
    • "Unauthorized Trails: Management Solutions"

    Register early to save $100* on your registration or use our Early Bird "3 for 2" rates* and include a representative from key community groups in your jurisdiction. Consider staying a little longer or bring your family to the #1 rated Summer Resort in Canada and the host of the "next" Olympic Winter Games. Register here! (* Early prices in effect until March 31, 2006)

    Important Information for US delegates - "A State can use its RTP administrative funds to pay for State advisory committee members to attend meetings, training, and events related to recreational trails, provided the costs are reasonable and provide a benefit to the State's RTP administration. If you are on the RTP State advisory committee, talk to your State Trail Administrator about the possibilities."

    Look forward to seeing you at the conference!
    Regards, Robin, Registration Administrator
    Fax: 1-604-608-3590

  4. A: Smart Growth Awards
    2006 Call for Entries National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. Applications due May 1, 2006. Up to five winners will be recognized at a ceremony in Washington, DC in November 2006. For more details about the National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, including an application packet:

  1. B: The Conservation Fund, Eastman Kodak Company and the National Geographic Society announced March 1 that they are accepting applications for the 2006 Kodak American Greenways Awards program:

  2. FHWA Training Available
    We are pleased to inform you that the following new and updated courses are available for scheduling. Please visit for more information on these and other NHI courses.

  3. State OHV Laws Update
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Walker, Bob []
    Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:52 PM
    Subject: State OHV Laws Update

    It's been more than a year since we updated the state OHV laws spreadsheet. So, this E-mail is requesting that you review the Excel spreadsheet and let me know of any changes by March 15. We will provide the updated information at the National OHV Conference in mid-March and E-mail it to everyone.

    To provide input or follow-up for more information contact Bob Walker, Montana State Trails Programs Coordinator & National Association of OHV Program Managers.

  4. Youth Corps Encouragement
    Under SAFETEA-LU §1109(f), the USDOT is required to encourage the States to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth conservation and service corps to perform construction and maintenance of recreational trails. The National Association of Service and Conservation Corps (NASCC) has a useful weekly enewsletter. For more information, contact John Holtz []. It includes information on issues related to youth corps, funding resources, jobs with youth corps, etc.

  5. RTP List Updates Reminder: Please check your State's entry and contact if you have any changes or updates.

To provide Feedback, Suggestions, or Comments for this page contact Christopher B. Douwes at

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