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Petitions for Partial Exemption

Partially exempt chemicals for which the Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) processing and use information is of "low current interest" are listed at 40 CFR 710.46(b)(2)(iv). Manufacturers of these listed chemicals are exempt from reporting the processing and use information required by 40 CFR 710.52(c)(4). Chemical substances are included on this list only if EPA has determined that there is low current interest in the processing and use information for that substance.

EPA may amend the list of partially exempt chemicals on its own initiative or in response to a request from the public. The public may submit a petition to request that a chemical be added to or removed from the partial exemption.

What petitions have been submitted?

EPA has developed a searchable database listing pertinent details of the petitions that have been submitted. Included in this information is the docket number for the petition, where you can access further information.

Searchable Database of IUR Petitions for Partial Exemption

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Who can submit a petition?

A petition may be submitted by any person, regardless of whether the person manufacturers, imports, or uses the chemical, or is otherwise interested in the chemical. When evaluating the petition, EPA will consider the production volume and use information for all manufacturing or importing sites and all uses. This information is not restricted to the submitting site. Considerations used by EPA when deciding whether to grant the petition are listed at 40 CFR 710.46(b)(2).

This partial exemption listing is chemical specific, not site or use specific. Therefore, when a chemical is listed under the partial exemption in §710.46(b)(2)(iv), all manufacturers (including importers) are exempt from reporting the processing and use information required under §710.52(c)(4) for the listed chemical substance.

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How do I submit a petition?

Your petition to amend the partial exemption chemical list must be submitted in writing and must contain the identity of the chemical in question, as well as its CAS Number. If a CAS Number is not known to or reasonably ascertainable by you (the petitioner), an EPA-designated Accession Number for confidential substances or a premanufacture notice (PMN) case number can be submitted in lieu of a CAS Number.

Your petition must also contain a written rationale for the request that provides sufficient specific information addressing the considerations listed below and in § 710.46(b)(2)(ii), including cites and relevant documents, to demonstrate to EPA that the collection of the information in § 710.52(c)(4) for the chemical in question either is or is not of low current interest. If a request related to a particular chemical is resubmitted, any subsequent request must clearly identify new information contained in the request. EPA may request other information that it believes necessary to evaluate the request. EPA will issue a written response to each request within 120 days of receipt of the request. This response will provide a status report for the petition review.

Submit your petition to the address listed below:

By delivery service:

OPPT IUR Submission Coordinator
Attn: Inventory Update Reporting
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
EPA East Bldg., Room 6428
1201 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC, 20004
Phone # 202-564-8958

By mail:

OPPT IUR Submission Coordinator
Mailcode 7407M
ATTN: Inventory Update Reporting
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Washington, DC 20460

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What happens to my petition once I submit it?

EPA has established a review process for the petitions. There are several steps in this review process, and at any place in this process EPA may contact the petitioner for clarification or additional information. The petitioner may also submit additional information to its petition at any time before EPA issues a final decision. No later than 120 days after receipt of the petition, EPA must issue a response to the petitioner. The response need not have EPA’s final decision. However, if EPA does make a final decision before the 120 days has passed, EPA may notify the petitioner immediately.

In making its determination of whether this partial exemption should apply to a particular chemical substance, EPA will consider the totality of information available for the chemical substance in question, including but not limited to, one or more of the following considerations:

(A) Whether the chemical qualifies or has qualified in past IUR collections for the reporting of the information described in §710.52(c)(4) (i.e., at least one site manufactures 300,000 pounds or more of the chemical).

(B) The chemical substance's chemical and physical properties or potential for persistence, bioaccumulation, health effects, or environmental effects (considered independently or together).

(C) The information needs of EPA, other federal agencies, tribes, states, and local governments, as well as members of the public.

(D) The availability of other complementary risk screening information.

(E) The availability of comparable processing and use information.

(F) Whether the potential risks of the chemical substance are adequately managed.

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