[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 2, Parts 700 to 1199]
[Revised as of January 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR870.507]

[Page 381]
                           Subpart E--Coverage
Sec. 870.507  Open enrollment periods.

    (a) There are no regularly scheduled open enrollment periods for 
life insurance. Open enrollment periods are held only when specifically 
scheduled by OPM.
    (b) During an open enrollment period, unless OPM announces 
otherwise, eligible employees may cancel their existing waivers of Basic 
and/or Optional insurance by electing the insurance in a manner 
designated by OPM.
    (c)(1) OPM sets the effective date for all insurance elected during 
an open enrollment period. The newly elected insurance is effective on 
the 1st day of the first pay period which begins on or after the OPM-
established date and which follows a pay period during which the 
employee was in pay and duty status for at least 32 hours, unless OPM 
announces otherwise.
    (2) A part-time employee must be in pay and duty status for one-half 
the regularly scheduled tour of duty shown on his/her current Standard 
Form 50 for newly elected coverage to become effective, unless OPM 
announces otherwise.
    (3) An employee who has no regularly scheduled tour of duty or who 
is employed on an intermittent basis must be in pay and duty status for 
one-half the hours customarily worked before newly elected coverage can 
become effective, unless OPM announces otherwise. For the purpose of 
this paragraph, employing offices can determine the number of hours 
customarily worked by averaging the number of hours worked in the most 
recent calender year quarter prior to the start of the open enrollment 
    (d) Within 6 months after an open enrollment period ends, an 
employing office may determine that an employee was unable, for reasons 
beyond his/her control, to cancel an existing waiver by electing to be 
insured during the open enrollment period. In this case, if the employee 
wants coverage, he/she must submit an election within 31 days after 
being notified of the determination. Coverage is retroactive to the 
first pay period which begins on or after the effective date set by OPM 
and which follows a pay period during which the employee was in pay and 
duty status for at least 32 hours, unless OPM announces otherwise. If 
the employee doesn't file an election within this 31-day time limit, he/
she will be considered to have waived coverage.