[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 1, Parts 1 to 699]
[Revised as of January 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR630.1007]

[Page 717]
PART 630--ABSENCE AND LEAVE--Table of Contents
                 Subpart J--Voluntary Leave Bank Program
Sec. 630.1007  Approval of application to become a leave recipient.

    (a) The leave bank board shall review an employee's application to 
become a leave recipient under procedures established by the agency for 
the purpose of determining whether the employee is a leave bank member 
who is or has been affected by a medical emergency.
    (b) Before approving an application to become a leave recipient, the 
leave bank board shall determine that the absence from duty without 
available paid leave because of the medical emergency is (or is expected 
to be) at least 24 hours (or, in the case of a part-time employee or an 
employee with an uncommon tour of duty, at least 30 percent of the 
average number of hours in the employee's biweekly scheduled tour of 
    (c) In making a determination as to whether a medical emergency is 
likely to result in a substantial loss of income, the leave bank board 
shall not consider factors other than whether the absence from duty 
without available paid leave is (or is expected to be) at least 24 hours 
(or, in the case of a part-time employee or an employee with an uncommon 
tour of duty, at least 30 percent of the average number of hours in the 
employee's biweekly scheduled tour of duty).
    (d) The leave bank board shall provide timely written notification 
to the applicant of the action taken on the application. If the leave 
bank board disapproves the application, notification shall include the 
reasons for disapproval.
    (e) The leave bank board may establish written policies limiting the 
amount of annual leave that may be granted to a leave recipient.

[59 FR 67125, Dec. 29, 1994, as amended at 60 FR 26979, May 22, 1995]